Underneath the Getty Museum is a network of tunnels and underground bunkers, according to former CIA/NSA contractor Steven D. Kelley. If we are to turn things around, we need strategies transcending brute force. At first glance, the claim that an art museum is actually a fortress guarding an underground pleasure palace and satanic temple might seem far-fetched. Constructed of thick travertine atop the largest concrete foundation pour in history, the Getty is actually a fortress designed to withstand ballistic assault. Alternative & Objective News, Global Organized Corruption, Pizzagate/Pedogate/Trafficking. : HELL IS Literally BREAKING LOOSE in California: the SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA INFERNO in Vivid Video and Photographs, On the HIGHWAY TO HELL: Exploring the PIZZAGATE / PEDOGATE / PEDOWOOD Connection to the GETTY CENTER (Article and Video Compendium), Your email address will not be published. Unlike most of the the 250-odd other metropolitans under the continental United States, it lacks pretext for military-grade security. What exactly is remote viewing? Mr. Dunn continues to inform the public that the Clintons, Bushs, John McCain, and other who are part of the upper cabal leadership are still under house arrest at this moment. The networks owner took offense when Steven referred to the Oregon ranchers as clueless. Hoe is de beleving van een kleurbewaarder = autist. And most people in trafficking situations stay for reasons such as fear or a lack of resources to get away, not because they are restrained. If you want to end this corruption on every level of our society, you must root out the evil heart of the monster, that we can get to if we force the FBI to investigate, and arrest those people, and free the 100,000 tortured child slaves held below. Join Steven Live every Thursday night. The initial email merely mentions the cloth is white with black, which is then translated by Podestas personal assistant into containing a map. A tourist takes a picture inside the Naours underground city. The article was originally posted on Before Its News, but they were FORCED TO TAKE IT DOWN DUE TO THREATS AGAINST THE AUTHOR. The Getty Museum has a collection from the 19 th and 20 th centuries. Two million women and children were there until 2018. Mr. Dunn says that the Museum cost $6 billion dollars to build and is positioned on a hill between Malibu and Los Angeles. Q has anonymously given clues regarding the Marines storming these areas in coming days where it has been also reported that over 4,000 sealed indictments are on the horizon. Some speculate that a D.U.M.B.s facility, part of Continuity of Government (COG) program.exists under the Denver airport. The physical: Knowledge about the Getty is spreading world wide. . Psychic powers and psychic skills are extremely important to these people, according to Mr. Kelley. At the bottom, it is apparent the Gettys have informally adapted Gavin Newsom, the nephew of Nancy Pelosi. Yes, Americans have firearms, but the common folk will always be outgunned by a government capable of Waco. It was built by the J. Paul Getty Foundation for Queen Elizabeth and now houses much of the loot once hoarded under the Vatican. These tubes go over state and international lines, which means they have no sovereignty. Eventually, he severed all ties with the intelligence community to become a whistleblower. QAnon: Qs Unfolding Nine Part Series [ 2 of 9 ]: Facebook and their Executives are DIRECTLY FROM DARPAS Cancelled LIFELOG PROJECT; BIG DATA = CIA / DOD; Who is Mark Zuckerberg and HIS CHINESE WIFE? Those myths include a belief that all trafficking victims are physically restrained and violently forced into a situation. There is a huge City underneath the Getty, which links up to the other 250 or more Underground Bunkers in the Surrounding Area. Travertine marble is natural ballistic armor. It is located on the perimeter of the museum complex, facing the city of L.A. What purpose does this thing serve? Ahmed said unfounded rumors of child trafficking can overwhelm the hotline and also "are harmful to the overall understanding of how human trafficking actually happens.". Kent Dunn reports the following on December 19, 2016, Earth Defense Forces (EDF) contacted Kent Dunn this morning on the 19th of December. For . The entire building is bullet proof.There is a huge city underneath the Getty, which links up to the other 250 or more underground bunkers in the United States. About - The Children Under the Getty Museum About Steven D. Kelley Steven D Kelley is an Optics engineer ,laser pioneer and inventor who created Laser weapon systems for military use. Once you get past the spa, you get to the area, which is like a city. Work is underway to create, comics, cartoons, movies, and music, related to the Getty story. He states that these elitists think they are gods. However, the Turkish Department of Culture holds fast that Derinkuyu was built by the Phrygians. PayPal stevenkelley714@yahoo.com (friends or family). Over 50,000 traumatized or deceased children have been recovered from underground tunnels running beneath US cities. Yet we know that orgies, pedophilia, satanism, and human trafficking are endemic in elite culture. Lisa Lapin, a spokesperson for the J. Paul Getty Trust, which runs the museum, said the claimsreappearfrom time to time., "These are entirely fake and fictional, she said in an email. The Getty's Burg Museum in Santa Monica has a King's Solomon's Temple look to it right out of ancient Jerusalem. Global Investigation on Recycling and Plastics Reveals Americas Dirty Secret; Guardian Report Tracks How Us Waste Makes Its Way Across the World and Overwhelms the Poorest Nations, The Healing Web from www.DeepStateMappingProject, the producer of the Q Web Map, Black MAGA, #BLEXIT, and WALK AWAY: Evidence of the Black Community Walking Away from the Democratic Plantation and to TRUMP and MAGA (and NOT NECESSARILY the GOP), ZUGERBERG MOUNTAIN: No, thats not a catchy play on Mark Zuckerbergs name, its INTERESTINGLY the name of the mountain overlooking affluent ZUG, SWITZERLAND, HOME TO THE ROTHSCHILDS. Tonight's story is one I wish no one had to tell. The elevator descends to the castle, over a mile underground. He was contracted through the NSA , CIA and other government agencies to provide high precision laser technology through his company SK industries. The Getty complex was built to withstand earthquakes, and now we find out, via the UKsDaily Mailthat the rare art repository was also designed to withstand wildfires: [3][VIDEO 4], The Skirball Fire that burned through the plush LA neighborhood of Bel Air couldnt touch the Getty CenterIt is raised up on a high foundation, has thick walls, and has all surrounding grass cleared away regularly. The Silent War continues Is this why she chose Evergreen as her code name? The Art Attack is a fun, laugh-filled team-building activity that's perfect for corporate outings, birthday parties, family get-togethers, alumni groupsyou name it. Prince Andrew paid a visit in 2000, perhaps arriving from Edwards AFB via tube transit: Interesting it is also that J. Paul Getty Jr. wasknighted by Queen Liz in 1998, the year after the museums completion. As a young man, he became a contractor for the CIA/NSA. The subterranean complex in modern Midyat was unearthed two years ago,. Energetic cleaners are being installed to bring light back to this area, and permit our eventual entry. This corridor leads, eventually, to an enormous elevator situated behind nuclear-blast-resistant doors. There might be more to the Getty Center than people know; behind an impeccable image and a highly sophisticated valuable collection of hundred of historical paintings; there might be a city beneath it. Take a guided tour through the modern Getty Museum and sculpture garden. In similar fashion, the architecture of feudalism went underground. Do not allow these monsters to use underground bunkers, under the pretense of continuity of Government, to rape and eat our children in honor of their Satanic beliefs. J. Paul Getty Museum | Getty Art from ancient to contemporary at two Los Angeles locations. The lowest level is a satanic dungeon where people are tortured and ritually sacrificed. If you want to end this corruption on every level of our society, you must root out the evil heart of the monster, that we can get to if we force the FBI to investigate, and arrest those people, and free the 100,000 tortured child slaves held below. The museum is covered with four-inch thick travertine marble. The Getty is an Ark for royalty and art, Kelley explains. 100,000 kids in cages." This plan might seem a longshot, but it makes a lot more sense than the armed takeover of a remote wildlife sanctuary. The Getty is the only access point to this system on private property. This plan might seem a longshot, but it makes a lot more sense than the armed takeover of a remote wildlife sanctuary. Yet we know that orgies, pedophilia, satanism, and human trafficking are endemic in elite culture. Additionally, to promote art appreciation, all images the Getty owns rights to are in the public domain, which means over 100,000 images are free to download through their Open Content Program. The Steven D. Kelley show has now moved to Thursday nights, 10 p.m. EST, onAmerican Freedom Radio. The crown and the elite are very concerned about the public finding out about it. To view it please enter your password below: Password: Using remote viewing techniques, Kelley was able to see some of the levels below the surface, where he saw stolen Tesla free energy technology. Privacy Policy. Underneath the Getty Museum is a network of tunnels and underground bunkers according to former CIA/ NSA contractor STEVEN D. KELLEY. All these guys report to the crown, such as the Templars, the Bilderbergs, etc. by Hakim Bishara March 30, 2020 March 30, 2020 Our company, Museum Hack, leads renegade tours of the world's best museums, including at the Getty in Los Angeles. All other entry points are on government controlled areas through Deep Underground Military Bases ( D.U.M.B.s). Use tab to navigate through the menu items. The elevator goes down at least a mile. Most of the underground bunkers are built in areas controlled by the military or airports where you have law enforcement, but the Getty is the civilian installation. LaVoy Finicum met a violent end, and for what? Ally delves into satanic ritual abuse of children, underground tunnels, and . Before Its News original article page Kelley, who did not author the post but has made similar claims in various blogs and podcasts,also did not provide tangible evidence to support his claim when contacted by USA TODAY. They thought something funny was going on, so they got in touch with a very gifted remote viewer in New York. The #OCCUPYTHEGETTY movement involves a physical, and a spiritual component. YOU SEE WHAT I SEE? The elevators lead to a tunnel system. The underground base and city at the Getty Museum in Los Angeles is exposed by whistleblower Steven D. Kelley. Please give it a listen, spread the word, and take whatever action you can to make it a reality. prophet muhammad cat breed; illinois high school baseball rankings 2022; natwest credit card phone number; ortur offline controller; bella coola hill death; hemel train . Today it was exposed on live international television. (Photo by Ismail Duru/Anadolu Agency/Getty . Enjoy a personalized experience with private transport and guide. The reality is that physical penetration of the bunker has not happened. He reveals how his experience in the laser industry led him into contact with the dark military-intelligence alphabet agencies. Swimming pools also seem to contain cultural reference to pedophilia according to documentaryAn Open Secret. Might it conceal a weapon of mass destruction, or is it just the worlds biggest and most expensive cactus pot? Special forces are also being sent to the Getty Center in California to flush out Satanists living under it, WDS sources say. LaVoy Finicum met a violent end, and for what? He reveals how his experience in the laser industry led him into contact with the dark military-intelligence alphabet agencies. Transport by air- conditioned coach. The entire structure, and the complete system of underground structures is also home to a Satanic empire that provides massive amounts of children to the cavers that live there, for pedophilia, ritual abuse, and sacrifice, with consumption. Unlike Dulce or Area 51, it is completely approachable. These facilities are allegedly being designed, built, and stocked to serve as underground, interlinked population centers (cities) that will ensure U.S. and global elite? His father, George Franklin Getty was an insurance lawyer and an oilman as well. The free Getty Museum is an architectural masterpiece, just off the 405 highway in Brentwood L.A. (Think solid gold commodes to get the general idea.) Courtesy. The # OCCUPYTHEGETTY Movement involves a Physical, and a Spiritual Component. Art from ancient to contemporary at two Los Angeles locations. PolitiFact also debunked the claim about the Getty Museum. If you go down the little rock way you will go into the security area. : With Vatican's "3rd in Command" Deputy Pope on Trial in Australia for Trafficking 100 Boys, the Pope Defends Bishop in Chile by DENYING VERY CREDIBLE CHARGES, www.DeepStateMappingProject.com by Dylan Louis Monroe, Creator of the Q Web Map. how to get to quezon avenue mrt station Uncovering hot babes since 1919. Much has been published about DUMBs Deep Underground Military Bases but Kelley is the first to give us a clear picture of what the writers of theProtocols of Zioncalled their underground metropolitans: You may say that the goyim will rise upon us, arms in hand, if they guess what is going on before the time comes; but in the West we have against this a maneuver of such appalling terror that the very stoutest hearts quail the undergrounds, metropolitans, those subterranean corridors which, before the time comes, will be driven under all the capitals and from whence those capitals will be blown into the air with all their organizations and archives. The Ziggurat, which is a federal building, is supposedly hooked up to the tunnel system. These entities have been waiting longer than we can understand for this to happen. MYSTERY: A conspiracy theorist has claimed there is an underground city beneath Area 51 (Image: GETTY) "The subterranean level would have to be at least 50 storeys down, from what I hear, and they extend up to the Pacific Ocean and other parts of the United States." Tello is the modern Arabic name for the ancient Sumerian city of Girsu, one of the earliest known cities in the world. The reality is that the structureis a front for a fortress protecting an elevator that goes down into a deep underground sanctuary, intended to house the royal family in the future. The Los Angeles Police Department has no investigations into anything of the sort, according to spokesman Warren Moore. Today, this company owns holdings in real estate, the press, oil, art and more. warren central student killed 2022. This corridor leads, eventually, to an enormous elevator situated behind nuclear-blast-resistant doors. [. White Dragon society has over 1.7 million active members who hold loyalty to this organization who is currently fighting the satanic pedophile cabal elites. Place: Paris, France (Place Created) Culture: French Object Number: 84.XM.436.484 Mark (s): For a comprehensive account of Kelleys experiences, please check out his bookCities under the Plain, available at Amazon.com. 3 702 members, 179 online. Reactions are only available . Fulford is quoted as saying. For those still not convinced there is code being used, heres a few more examples (although this is not even close to exhaustive coverage): Read the full article at (Credit: FRANCOIS NASCIMBENI/AFP/Getty Images) Located in northern France, the underground city of Naours includes two miles. It aims for the eyeball so to speak. Pizzagate is not going away, and it is being connected to the Getty. Because of our efforts, light beings have indeed been able to enter the first levels of the complex below the Getty Center in Los Angeles CA, USA. How did they know? The discovery is making headlines as a . He isnt sure how thick it is but he estimates around 8 feet or so. Your email address will not be published. It goes down hill pretty quickly. He then started developing his psychic abilities and realized that this is where its at. Most traffickers threaten, manipulate or otherwise use psychological means to coerce peoplethey already know into doing things. 54350 Views. It aims for the eyeball so to speak. It is now confirmed it was lead by the special forces of the White Dragon society who are from Japan. Below is another double-verified, Wikileaks publishedemailsent from Tamera to John Podesta. Read Full Story at ..http://www.ascensionwithearth.com/2016/12/kent-dunn-intel-update-100000-child-sex.html, Getty Museum says its safest place for art if fires threaten, syndicated info below from sources,written by: Curtis R Bizelli, The wildfires in California have brought us to researching The Getty Art Museum which is said to be a bunker for sex trafficking! Where: J. Paul Getty Museum, 1200 Getty Center Drive, Brentwood When: Tuesdays-Sundays, through March 8 Admission: Free Info: (310) 440-7300, getty.edu Entertainment & Arts Museums & Art. This is the first few paragraphs from the very long, well presented DC Pizzagate site https://dcpizzagate.wordpress.com/author/dcpizzagate/, where is recommend you read the full article. The results of these experiences led him to build up his own psychic skills as introduced by the speaker. The Ziggurat, which is a federal building, is supposedly hooked up to the tunnel system. Across the street from the Getty is the Skirball Center is also hooked up. You cannot park anywhere near it and you have to take a tram up to it. Follow us on Facebook! Home Underneath the Getty Museum is a network of tunnels and underground bunkers, according to former CIA/NSA contractor Steven D. Kelley. QAnon: Q's Unfolding Nine Part Series [ 2 of 9 ]: Facebook and their Executives are DIRECTLY FROM DARPA'S "Cancelled" LIFELOG PROJECT; BIG DATA = CIA / DOD; Who is Mark Zuckerberg and HIS CHINESE WIFE? Occupying a tiny federal facility in the middle of nowhere achieves nothing. Exterior views of the J. Paul Getty Museum building complex. There goes the Getty Museum turning into glass, which will close off that elevator. Truth Cat Radio is 100% listener supported. Loosh production is being halted. Issues like national security or continuity of government have no relevance there. Mr. Kelley discusses Loosh (negative human emotional psychic energy), Tesla Units, the pineal gland, the power structure, Prince Andrews, and the Dulce base in more detail. Issues like national security or continuity of government have no relevance there. Welcome to reality. Another place that uses underground corridors is Area 51s Dulce Deep Underground Military Base, as detailed by insiders. Today on DailyArtDaily we want to share with you seven masterpieces from Getty that will blow your mind for various reasons. In chapter 9 Re-education it states, if they guess what is going on before the time comes; but in the West we have against this a maneuver of such appalling terror that the very stoutest hearts quail the undergrounds, metropolitans, those subterranean corridors which, before the time comes, will be driven under all the capitals and from whence those capitals will be blown into the air with all their organizations and archives. Mr. Kelley pops the question, What does this mean? There is a nuclear trap door at Getty. Carminda B: Time to Question THE TRANSPORTATION Modern Art Scandal Uncovered: Are Children shipped in boxes as LIVE ART under the ART FOR EMBASSIES PROGRAM to Feed Pedophiles and Cannibals? the secret underground base at the getty museum There is a huge city underneath the Getty, which links up to the other 250 or more underground bunkers in the .\r\rWhistleblower Steven D. Kelley talks about his first hand experience in the firearm and optic R\u0026D industry and how it lead him to deep place underground .\r\rthe secret underground base at the getty museum There is a huge city underneath the Getty, which links up to the other 250 or more underground bunkers in the .\r\rthe secret underground base at the getty museum There is a huge city underneath the Getty, which links up to the other 250 or more underground bunkers in the . & Objective News, but they were FORCED to take it DOWN DUE to THREATS AGAINST AUTHOR... Over 1.7 million active members who hold loyalty to this Area, and, and take whatever you! A guided tour through the modern Getty Museum is a satanic dungeon where people are tortured ritually. Art and more sculpture garden that elevator Dulce Deep underground Military Bases ( D.U.M.B.s ) Dulce Area! As a young man, he became a contractor for the CIA/NSA,! 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