Mikael was the first and oldest Vampire in existence and being an Original Vampire, possessed all the standard powers and abilities of one, but to a much greater extent compared to his children, likely due to being stronger as a human before he was turned. She is the world's . As a man with so much commitment to his family, Mikael turned into an abusive father - hiding his grief behind anger. A vampire uses its sharp fangs and drains the blood of a person. They married and were wealthy landowners. Buy some musk and wear a discrete amount of it every day. Klaus awoke and told Mikael that he was outnumbered. The person dies and turns into a . Mikael moved on to his true target, Klaus, after a century of hunting the Trinity, who were using his children's identities. Secondly, you can use your Vampire powers to compel the Sim and get them to submit, providing Plasma in either small or large amounts. Unfortunately, their presence was ultimately discovered by the werewolves, who were unable to control themselves and ended up mauling Henrik to death. When Davina is attacked at Rousseau's by a group a of Moonlight ring wearing werewolves sent by Cassie, she uses her bracelet to summon Mikael from the attic. $15.17. But for hundreds of years, they were scapegoats for disease. Mikael also admitted that he had burned countless other cities like New Orleans while hunting his children. ~ Farcical funny game. Mikael was the step-father of Klaus. Mikael is the reason vampires came to exist, it was his idea to turn his children and himself into immortals with superpowers superior to werewolves, where they could then sire more of their kind as ordinary vampires. Mikael then fled, his destination unknown. He is technically the first Original vampire in history to be fully resurrected in both body and spirit, his body having been burnt to ashes with the White Oak Stake, is restored with his spirit, with Klaus' body not burning fully in Season 3, as well as his spirit not being in his body, was able to return his spirit to his body without harm. Is Lizzie Saltzman a doppelganger? He also remembers that Rebekah tried to kill him in his sleep. Klaus was beaten so badly his siblings actually feared he would die. "You're a vampire, Elena. 10PCS 150ml Reusable Halloween Vampire Blood Energy Drink Bag Cosplay Props. In The River in Reverse, he was mentioned by Elijah in a flashback when he was speaking to Klaus about his recent killings, not wanting Klaus to draw Mikael's attention in Europe. He single-handedly sparked the lifelong war between vampires and werewolves after killing countless of their kind. However, the New World wasn't as peaceful as the couple had expected, especially during the full moon, as their neighbors were werewolves. An abomination!" Mikael has a reunion with his children at Klaus' home. And also if maybe damon or stefan or anyone who is a vampire drinks another vampire's blood, then . Real Vampires: Drink Blood Sim app features: ~ Drinks for men and girl or woman. They lived in peace with their neighbors at first, hiding in caves during the wolves' transformations, during which time Mikael and Esther had more children: Niklaus, Kol, Rebekah and Henrik. In The Ties That Bind, it was revealed that Bonnie's mother (Abby Bennett Wilson) was the witch who entombed Mikael by casting a spell to desiccate his body and trapping him in a cemetery in Charlotte. Another notable skill for Mikael is his intense tolerance for pain, being able to practically ignore the effects of the werewolf venom, and even overcome the effects of Papa Tunde's Blade. Upon feeding, Mikael's body returned to its natural, undesiccated state, but he became angry at Katherine for feeding him human blood, though he did not go into detail as to why that bothered him before he fell asleep again. Mikael also appeared as a recurring character in the third season of The Vampire Diaries. Mikael and his family later burned down the white oak tree to prevent it ever being used against them, but not before Mikael had secretly carved a stake as insurance in case one was needed for future use. as demonstrated by Mikael and Mohinder. Despite having told her he wouldn't feed on her, he contemplated changing his mind since his wound from Papa Tunde's blade wasn't healing. They have . Once Hayley learned of Mikael she called him a "Dick". InDo Not Go Gentle, Esther, after losing the Bennett family bloodline as a power source, decided to make anEnhanced Original Vampire with the same Immortality Spell she used on her husband Mikael, and their children, so that this new vampire could kill her children and finally end the vampire species. Mikael corrected him by pointing out that he only ever hunted Klaus, and had no interest in killing his own children. Hayley then becomes angry and releases herself from Mikael's grip and tells him that neither her or her baby's dead or he wouldn't have tried to kill them. The students determined that it would take 6.4 minutes for a vampire to lap up 15 percent of someone's blood about 1.6 pints (0.75 liters) from a total volume of 11 pints (5 liters) in the average adult human body.How much blood do vampires need per day? When Hayley mentions his son has already beat him, he gets angry and sayshe's not his son. However, Mikael simply did not drink any of the blood she offered until Katherine finally found a mourner at the cemetery, bit into his neck, and let the blood drip into Mikael's open mouth. Mikael mocked Klaus when he referred to Mikael as "Father," and told him that his werewolf father would be embarrassed to have him as a son, just like he was before he knew the truth about his parentage. One day, while Elijah and Klaus were sparring, Mikael watched them. CJ!'s donors. Diet and blood-thirst Like normal vampires, defective vampires must drink . He calls Klaus a scourge, a walking symbol of weakness. A plague hit Europe, and Esther claimed it killed Freya while Mikael was in battle; in reality, Freya was taken as the payment of a magical bargain Esther made with her sister Dahlia, to cure her of her infertility. Elijah toldHayley that for a 1000 years Mikael had hunted them, even away fromNew Orleans, where they were happiest of all. In Reigning Pain in New Orleans, Mikael is mentioned by Klaus when explaining to Marcel that he won't do to his child, what was done to him by Mikael. After Mikael had found out that his wife was unfaithful to him and that Niklaus is not his son, he convinced her to cast a spell to keep Klaus' werewolf side dormant. This requires at least a little friendship with the Sim for the prey to be willing. After being turned into a vampire, the valor becomes anger, and pride in obsession. ~ Blood prank - scary! The experiment half drove him mad, but since he was half mad to begin with few people noticed the difference. Mikael was overwhelmed with emotion, slowly beginning to believe her. A time before all the disappointments, the revelations of betrayal, there were moments where all you had to do was be my father! Male vampire is sucking out a woman's arm, you can see blood flowing down. For about 30 minutes, the bats drink their victim's blood. You do not talk to abominations. He then vanished. As a human, Mikael is characterized by his pride, valor, and devotion to the family. At some point, Niklaus challenged Mikael to a duel, which Mikael initially won. . He eventually convinced her to resurrect him by offering to help her kill Klaus. When Evangeliya saw Mikael raise the white oak stake, she jumped between them, tackling Mikael to the ground, pinning him down and slashing her ring across his face while the other hand reached into his heart. Stefan hesitated for a long moment, but he did eventually find a way around Klaus' compulsion by telling Mikael that he could lure Klaus back to town. He knows his reputation precedes him and he assures her she is not dreaming and that what she is experiencing is all real. Like Klaus and even Elijah, Mikael seems to be in a grey area morally, as in his pursuit of Klaus, he has killed numerous vampires and humans alike, especially if they get in his way, however, Mikael does have some morals, being regretful for his part in creating vampires and the bloodlust and so feeds only on vampires to avoid killing innocents needlessly. Mikael realized that his wife was unfaithful to him and that Niklaus wasn't his son, and in his anger, he convinced Esther to cast a spell to keep Klaus' werewolf side dormant. As a ploy to get Stefan to give him answers, Mikael inserted his hand in Damon's chest and threatened to rip his heart out if Stefan didn't tell him something about what Klaus was doing. Mikael brought Cami to an abandoned building where he explained that he didn't always hate Klaus. In the 1990s, Mikael was desiccated and entombed by Abby Bennett Wilson when he came to town in search of the baby doppelgnger, Elena Gilbert. And even then you despised me didn't you? In Gonna Set Your Flag On Fire, Mikael and Finn, united in their disdain for vampires and for their family, plotted to destroy all the vampires in New Orleans. Large increase in power observed. Before killing him, Klaus asked why Mikael was so cruel to him, and Mikael said that he did not know, that he just did, and this seemed to have saddened Klaus. Mikael entombed. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! He was later revealed to be an Original Vampire, and the father of the Originals, or, in Klaus' case, his step-father. Davina has been going to a vinyl store to buy music for Mikael, his preference being ancient Icelandic Folk music. Mikael agreed to her deal, and soon after helped their son Finn escape from his imprisonment in Klaus' compound. After reuniting, Mikaelwas madeaware of Dahlia's return, andwas helping his daughter with her plan to kill Dahlia in a combined effort, even working together with Klaus. His ability to overcome Papa Tunde's blade came from his training, as he learned to master his pain. But what happens when a vampire drinks from another v He then uses his vampire speed to quickly go over to Hayley and instantly puts her in a headlock, Mikael welcomes her to his "hell", as he is stuck in an eternity of watching over Klaus. I'm so sorry. Mikael promised Marcel that he would leave Rebekahunharmed, as she was always his favorite, but he wanted his sons' exact location so he could kill Klaus. Upon seeing Klaus' first transformation as a true hybrid, Mikael stated, "He's a beast. Mikael killed one, still famished from his sleep, but Freya called him off before he could kill Aiden, sparing his life. Drinking blood, leaving delicious food, stay away from the sun, spell casting, bite from a vampire, etc. Mikael then revealed his true identity and admitted that he had been observing Marcel before informing him that he knew he would do anything to get out from under Klaus' wing, even if it meant calling the one man on earth who hates Klaus the most, Mikael the Destroyer. She only has vampire blood running through her veins, which allows her to heal faster alongside her werewolf ability. Was a very distant father to his children, especially Klaus. Is hope stronger than Klaus? Then mix the drops of blood, the water, and the hair together. Mikael then appeared behind Davina, calling her name and when she turned around, he was gone. Throughout The Vampire Diaries Series. They chose to attack Dahlia head on with the weapon, being lead to the church knowing full well that it was a trap. 250ml Food Grade PVC Drink Beverage Cosplay Halloween Vampire Supplies Blood Bag. Mikael, still furious with Esther for her betrayal, was enraged until she convinced him to help her by offering up Klaus, no longer believing he'd ever accept her offer to be put into a new body. Freya, Elijah, and Rebekah arrived and when Dahlia started to hurt Freya, Mikael violently fought off his desiccation and stabbed Dahlia with a large piece of a wooden church pew. are the procedures of transformation. In Vampire Diaries, when Elena wasn't able to digest the blood from the blood bags, she drank Damon's blood and was able to sustain on it. Was mikael the first vampire? As the father of the Original Vampires, he was the oldest and one of the most powerful vampires in the TVD universe. Then, one night, Rebekah, who had enough of Mikael's abuse toward Klaus, took a knife with the intention of killing her father while he slept, but Elijah ultimately stopped her; however, he later admitted that he wished he had done the deed himself, wishing he could go back to that moment. Free shipping. Tristan and Aurora are some of the first sired vampires to ever exist. Mikael's ghost then appear in a room with Davina and explaining the spell in Esther's grimoire that can resurrect him. They stumbled upon a Halloween party of unsuspecting civilians. Elijahwas shocked and angry upon Mikael's return, and he reminded his father that he hunted him and his siblings for centuries, going so far as to burn half of Europe in his attempts to kill his family. He eventually formed an alliance with his wife, Esther, and a resurrected Finn, and vowed to stop at nothing to kill Klaus. Mikael was hard and strict on his children, especially Klaus, try to justifying his abusive behavior of Klaus as necessary to make him stronger to survive before it became a habit he seemed to enjoy. While she was seeing his flashbacks in her mind, Elijah began to tell her of how their family lived a thousand years prior, before they had turned into vampires. Not even once - not to his wife or children, (although the loss of his first born child was understandable, this did not excuse his behavior for what he did to Klaus and his other children). This tactic worked until Elijah was daggered with his siblings by the Brotherhood of the Five in 1114, negating the compulsion. He still considers Mikael as his only true father, despite not being biologically related, because only a father could inflict as much pain as Mikael did to Klaus, as well as the fact Mikael raised Klaus. Klaus was not like his other half-siblings, he was more focused on art and making sculptures than learning to fight and survive in their deadly environment, something Mikael saw as a weakness, however, Klaus was anything but weak. This isn't usually an issue because people can lose up to 30% of their blood supply before needing a transfusion. Mikael physically assaulted Klaus even as a child for no apparent reason, and try to justified it by saying that he was trying to make him stronger, though going by what era they lived in and Mikael's viewpoint, it is entirely possible that Mikael was genuinely trying to make Klaus stronger as Mikael explained about fathers having to make their children stronger, Mikael was forced to learn how to use a staff despite being only eight years old and if he showed any strain, his father would have beaten him. While Aurora was the first vampire turned by Rebekah, her brother Tristan was the first vampire turned by Elijah - in the year 1002. Later, Mikael went to see Elijah, and insisted that he just wanted to talk to him. When Hayley asks about Klaus' relationship with Marcel, he mentions that once his father found him in New Orleans, Klaus and his siblings fled the city and had thought that Marcel had been killed by Mikael like so many other vampires in town. Mikael while cold and aggressive is not devoid of emotions or positive traits but tends to conceal them or hides behind anger, once he is reunited with Freya, his favorite daughter whom he thought was dead, he was reduced to tears and embraces her. Which caused Esther to seek comfort in the hands of Ansel - and resulted in the birth of Klaus. Elijah claims that Mikael despises the vampires as a species, despite having a hand in creating them, therefore he kills them and feeds on them for food. Mikael was later seen in the first season of The Originals during A Closer Walk With Thee, when he first appeared as a ghost to attack Hayley Marshall on The Other Side, and again in order to speak with Davina Claire. Mikael was able to stake Klaus with the White Oak Stake after a vicious battle (it should be noted that the latter was forced to let his guard down, when Mikael threw Papa Tunde's Blade at Camille, Klaus had to save his friend's life); however, Davina and Kol temporarily drained the stake of it's power, allowing Klaus to recover once pulled out before it was reactivated. Vampire Diaries ' biggest changes from the books began as Damon won Elena away from Stefan, but the power behind that love triangle came from the fact that the passionate love between Elena and. Once the spell was cast on Mikael and his children, the vampire species was officially created. When Hayley is temporarily killed by Monique's hex, Mikael introduces himself to Hayley on The Other Side and tells her that they are technically family. Where they were happiest of all men and girl or woman name and she... Burned countless other cities like New Orleans while hunting his children, Klaus... 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