Selene visited the sleeping Endymion where he lay alone in a cave everyday and had fifty daughters with him, the Menai, the personification of the Greek lunar months. Selene and Endymion, fresco on ceiling by Giuseppe Antonio Orelli, circa 1730-1770, Palazzo Riva. [28] The Orphic Hymn to Selene addresses her as "O bull-horned Moon", and further describes her as "torch-bearing, feminine and masculine, lover of horses," and grantor of "fulfillment and favor". Though Selene had many consorts, the most famous of them was Endymion, a handsome young mortal. [97] Hyginus says that Selene had "nourished" the lion in a "two-mouthed cave". This article is about the Greek goddess. Virgil, Georgics 3.391ff; Servius on Virgils Georgics 3.391 (citing the second-century BCE poet Nicander as the original source). So she is a sure token and a sign to mortal men. Selene The Greek God Selene is best known as the Titan Goddess of the moon. Selene and Endymion by Sebastiano Ricci (1713). Zeus slept with the human queen Alcmene, of which encounter Heracles was born. This, of course, is not the first celestial body to be named after the goddess since Selene is the proper Greek name for the moon itself. In antiquity, Selene would also often be depicted either riding upon a bull, or upon a silvery chariot drawn by two winged horses. Cf. Depending on the author, the chariot was either silver,[6] snow white,[7] or gold. She is dressed in the finest silk robes and travels in her silver moon chariot drawn by luminous steeds across the heavens. Selene's Role She was the goddess of the moon, which she drove every night across the skies. The bull was also one of her symbols and at times it was the bull that she was depicted to be riding. . Though Selene was ultimately able to fight the creature off, the scars from their battle remained forever carved on the face of the moon. In some versions of the story, the goddess abandoned her duty and left the night sky so she could be with the man she loved. Let's take a closer look at her story. In another story she was loved by Pan. The goddess had pale skin that seemed to shine with its own inner light and long black hair that matched the dark sky around her. Selene and Endymion standing next to each other, sarcophagus fragment, end of 2nd century AD. The air, unlit before, glows with the light of her golden crown, and her rays beam clear, whensoever bright Selene having bathed her lovely body in the waters of Ocean, and donned her far-gleaming raiment, and yoked her strong-necked, shining team, drives on her long-maned horses at full speed, at eventime in the mid-month: then her great orbit is full and then her beams shine brightest as she increases. The moon goddess Selene had two siblings the sun and the dawn, also known as Helios and Eos respectively. 10; Pisander, Fragmente der griechischen Historiker (FGrH) 16 frag. Selene fought back the giant, locking horns with Typhon; afterwards, she carried many scars on her orb, reminiscent of their battle. She is the daughter of the Titans Hyperion and Theia, and sister of the sun-god Helios, and Eos, goddess of the dawn. It seems that Selene was not uninvolved in the twelve tasks of Heracles either. Interestingly, this version of the myth does not involve Selene. How old is the United States of America? [1], Selene was often identified with other goddesses, including Men (also spelled Mene), the divine personification of the lunar month; Bendis, a goddess of Thracian origin; Hecate, a goddess of witchcraft; and (especially in later antiquity) Artemis, the goddess of hunting and wild things. Selene was the Greek goddess of the moon. 13 In later times Selene was identified with Artemis, and the worship of the two became amalgamated. [141], Selene played an important role in love magic. 68 A75 D-K). 573 Bernab. Selene then turned Lilaeus into a mountain, Mt. The most well-known story of Selene is her love of the mortal man Endymion. Mason-Dixon Line Her list of powers are unmatched, as far as lunar goddesses go. [104] Zeus agrees, urged by Selene's complaints and having long intended to deal with the philosophers himself. [107], Ovid mentions how in the myth of Phaethon, Helios' son who drove his father's chariot for a day, when Phaethon lost control of the chariot and burned the earth, Selene in the sky looked down to see in amazement her brother's horses running wild lower than normal. Corrections? Offended, she sent a gadfly to sting the bull; the surprised creature threw Ampelus and proceeded to gore him to death. [54], The earliest known depiction of Selene driving a chariot adorns the inside of an early 5th century BC red-figure cup attributed to the Brygos Painter, showing Selene plunging her chariot, drawn by two winged horses, into the sea (Berlin Antikensammlung F 2293). Because the Greek endyein meant "to dive," the name Endymion ("Diver") at first simply described the process of the setting sun "diving" into the sea. [86] Additionally, on a rein guide for a chariot a goddess thought to be Selene with a crescent and veil over her head is depicted, who stands with Helios on a gate tower and tries to repel the attacks of snake-legged Giants. [77] The Greek satirist Lucian's dialogue between Selene and the love goddess Aphrodite has the two goddesses commiserate about their love affairs with Endymion and Adonis, and suggests that Selene has fallen in love with Endymion while watching him sleep each night. Selene was one of the three children of Hyperionand Theia, two of the original twelve Titans. Thou wouldst say far off that this was milk indeed, which is a well-spring of white water: if thou draw a little nigher, lo, the stream is fringed as though with ice, for white stone rims it round. the crescent moon, full moon, and dark moon, as delinted by the divisions of the calendar month).[154]. We learn of Selenes family, her parents and siblings and the children that she went on to have, from various different sources and Greek myths. Secretive and shy, she enjoys flitting silently through the night with a pearl-white or silvery chariot. Artemis is also a Goddess of the moon. By all accounts, Selene seemed to have played a major role in this war. Thus, both the sun and the moon were seen as gods embodied in those forms. In their stories, it is Diana, the Roman counterpart of Artemis, who falls in love with the beautiful mortal. The Homeric Hymn to Helios uses the same epithet ("bright-tressed"), used in the above Hymn to Selene (elsewhere translated as "rich-", "lovely-", or "well-tressed"),[26] while Epimenides uses the epithet ("lovely-haired"). Some even said that the Nemean Lion, as the offspring of Selene, had originally fallen from the moon.[30]. [8], Selene began appearing in the visual arts around the early fifth century BCE. Not only was she the goddess of the moon, but she was considered a personification of the moon itself and that was how she was portrayed by many of the old poets and writers. Nyx is the goddess of the night and is thus associated with the new moon. Her chariot was made of shining silver, bringing soft, clear light each night. 14 In works of art, however, the two divinities are usually distinguished; the face of Kapach, Avi. According to Lucian, Selene had a rival for Endymions love named Myia. As the goddess of the division of the months, Selene was a goddess of time. Many people believed that labor and childbirth was easiest during the full moon and prayed to Selene for aid. Like Artemis, Selene was sometimes called Phoebe, a name that means bright one.. Is the Mother of Castor and Pollux a Goddess? Homeric Hymns 32.14ff, trans. Selene was linked to Artemis as well as Hecate; all three were considered lunar goddesses. Lunacy takes its name from Selenes Roman counterpart, Luna. Worshiped as one of the important celestial lights of the heavens, Selene was also reputedly revered as a deity of agriculture and fertility. While we often think little of the moon today, in the ancient Greek world the moons cyclical movement through the sky played a central role in their concept of time. In the Homeric Hymn to Selene, she bears the beautiful Pandeic to Zeus, while Alcman says they are the parents of Herse, the dew. Selene had an altar at Pergamon, at the sanctuary of Demeter, the goddess of spring. Festivals and feasts were determined by the lunar calendar, giving Selene as Mene an important role in the worship of all the gods and goddesses. Whatever his profession, the handsome young man frequently slept beneath the open sky. However, her greatest love was a lowly mortal named Endymion. Pandia was the personification of the full moon and may have originally been another name for Selene before the myths made her the daughter of Selene and Zeus. This was known as the Gigantomachy. The moon goddess and Artemis were occasionally shown as companions. fr. Plutarch, On the Face in the Moon 30, On Isis and Osiris 52; Quintus of Smyrna, Posthomerica 10.337; Nonnus, Dionysiaca 10.214, 44.70. [73] However, Apollodorus says that because of Endymion's "surpassing beauty, the Moon fell in love with him, and Zeus allowed him to choose what he would, and he chose to sleep for ever, remaining deathless and ageless". Often when one god supplanted another in a particular domain, the stories that involved that god were changed to reflect this. Though Selene almost never appears in modern adaptations of Greek mythology, she is nonetheless present in pop culture as the personification of the moon. 80; Acusilaus, FHG 1 frag. Was the Griffin a Bird from Greek Mythology? The name Selene is also quite popular in the English-speaking world. At that time, he did not wish for the sun to rise for three days and sent instructions to Selene via Hermes so it should be so. This was common for many of the younger generation Titans who did not fight alongside their fathers and aunts and uncles against Zeus. The moon goddess was said to have had several lovers, including Zeus and the wild god Pan. The Origin of Hotdogs, The History of Boracay Island in The Philippines. That haunted cave [on Mount Latmos] of fair-haired Nymphai (Nymphs) where, as Endymion slept beside his kine, divine Selene watched him from on high, and slid from heaven to earth; for passionate love drew down the immortal stainless queen of night. These were the fifty daughters who were fathered by Endymion the fifty months represented the four-year cycle of the Olympiads. Selene also has a chemical element named after her, Selenium. Zeus put Endymion into an eternal sleep so the goddess could see him forever as a beautiful young man. After these deaths, her brother appeared in a dream to their grieving mother and assured her that he and his sister would now transform into divine natures; and:[101], that which had formerly been called the "holy fire" in the heavens would be called by men Helius ("the sun") and that addressed as "men" would be called Selen ("the moon"). Attic red-figure kylix showing Selene riding the chariot of the moon, drawn by two winged horses. Another myth describes how Selene held her own against the monster Typhoeus when he attacked the gods. [59] Though the moon chariot is often described as being silver,[60] for Pindar it was golden. Her name is linked with those of various other goddesses, such as Artemis and Hecate, who are also associated with the moon. Some nymphs in Greek mythology were famous, but others were only known in a certain time Apollo: The God of Music, Poetry, and Light, Hecate Greek Goddess of Witchcraft : The Complete Guide. All of these qualities bound Selene to the natural phenomena of time and seasons and the rejuvenation of nature as well, even apart from her ability to shed light. 3 Most Important Characters in Greek Mythology, 5 Awesome Greek Mythology Fiction Books for Kids, Aphrodite Facts: Awesome Facts about the Goddess of Love and Beauty. However, in the science fiction book The First Men on the Moon by H.G. It is of course a tale that began in Ancient Greece, but the story of Endymion is one taken up with vigour by Renaissance artists and the imagery of the Moon goddesses visiting the eternal sleeping mortal was often repeated. But she quite likes being glimpsed through the clouds and her coyness is somewhat . She was depicted as a woman riding sidesaddle on a horse or driving a chariot drawn by a pair of winged steeds. [81], Philologist Max Mller's interpretation of solar mythology as it related to Selene and Endymion concluded that the myth was a narrativized version of linguistic terminology. [11], Just as Helios, from his identification with Apollo, is called Phoebus ("bright"), Selene, from her identification with Artemis, is also called Phoebe (feminine form). The myth of Selene, the moon goddess, is no exception. Helios was one of the Titans, son of Hyperion and Theia and brother of Eos (the Dawn) and Selene (the Moon ). Described by Pausanias, it contained statues of Pasipha and Helios. [62] References to this magical trick, variously referred to as (kathairen), are scattered throughout ancient literature, whereas eclipses of both the Sun and the Moon were called kathaireseis ("casting-downs") by the Greek populace. [121], In later second and third century AD Roman funerary art, the love of Selene for Endymion and his eternal sleep was a popular subject for artists. In this aspect she was closely associated with Dionysus. Whether by request or as punishment, Zeus put Endymion into an ageless sleep so he would remain eternally youthful beneath the night sky. [99] Scholia on Virgil add the story, ascribed to Nicander, that as part of the seduction, Pan wrapped himself in a sheepskin. The personification of the Sun, he was portrayed as driving a four-horse chariot across the sky on a daily basis. [96] Pseudo-Plutarch's On Rivers has Hera collaborating with Selene, "employing magical incantations" to create the Nemean Lion from a chest filled with foam. Plutarch, On Rivers 18, who describes how Hera and Selene created the Nemean Lion with a foam-filled chest and magical spells. The animals, however, were almost always shown as pure white regardless of their type. [19] 'Helen' is related to 'Helios' instead, and it seems that they two figures stem from a common Proto-Indo-European ancestor, the Sun Maiden.[20][21]. In the center of the main panel Selene descends from her chariot, whose horses are held by a nymph, to join Endymion, who lies to the right. Wells, the sophisticated insect-like creatures that live on the moon are called Selenites, cleverly named after the Greek moon goddess. According to Hesiod's Theogony, her parents were the Titans Hyperion and Theia; her brother was Helios, the sun god (sometimes called her father); her sister was Eos (Dawn). Robert S. P. Beekes, Etymological Dictionary of Greek (Leiden: Brill, 2009), 2:131819. Way). From her immortal head a radiance is shown from heaven and embraces earth; and great is the beauty that ariseth from her shining light. Divine Selene watched over the earth from the sky for three days and the night lingered so that day would not dawn. Selene and Endymion relief, Alessandro and Lancellotto Pusterla's gravestone, 16th century. He was the god of the sun, who drove across the sky each day in a golden chariot drawn by a team of golden horses. Certain types of insanity were said to be brought on by the moons influence, and it was believed that Selene had the power to create lunacy with purpose. Accessed March 1, 2023. While there were many goddesses associated with the moon and lunar powers, Selene personified the moon and its light. [29], Selene played a role in some versions of the myth of the Nemean Lion, a ferocious and invulnerable beast slain by Heracles as the first of his Twelve Labors. She is usually portrayed either driving a chariot (see above) or riding sideways on horseback[111] (sometimes riding an ox, a mule or a ram). "On Representations of Helios and of Selene", The Journal of Hellenic Studies, Sorabella, Jean, "A Roman Sarcophagus and Its Patron. [120] Selene's head is sometimes surrounded by a nimbus, and from the Hellenistic period onwards, she is sometimes pictured with a torch. [55] The geographer Pausanias, reports seeing a relief of Selene driving a single horse, as it seemed to him, or as some said, a mule, on the pedestal of the Statue of Zeus at Olympia (c. 435 BC). The goddess Selene was the daughter of Titius Hyperion and Theia. The most famous story of Selene, however, concerns her love for a mortal man. Kapach, Avi. Specifically, she was a goddess who controlled the dangerous creatures of the sea. [146], Her and her brother's worship is also attested in Gytheum, a town in Laconia near Sparta, via an inscription (C.I.G. The story about the two says that Selene saw the mortal shepherd king Endymion, whom Zeus had cursed to an eternal sleep, and fell so in love with him that she wanted to spend eternity at the side of the human. She was said to represent the full moon. It is unclear how much of a choice Endymion himself may have had in the matter, although there are versions of the myth which say that Endymion had fallen in love with the beautiful moon goddess as well and asked Zeus to keep him in a state of eternal sleep so that he could be with her forever. How Did Uranus get its Name as Per Greek Mythology? My name is Mike and for as long as I can remember (too long!) Selene - The Moon Goddess - Greek Mythology - See U in History Art: Marcus AquinoColor: Rod Fernandes#GreekMythology #Mythology #SeeUinHistory #History #Myth. Antique pottery, busts, and a lunar disk from the Hellenistic period have been found with depictions of Selene on them. In Greek, the name Endymion means one who dives and Max Muller thought that the myth was a symbolic representation of how the sun set by diving into the sea and then the moon arose. -Quintus Smyrnaeus, Fall of Troy 10. [119] Often a crescent moon rests on her brow, or the cusps of a crescent moon protrude, horn-like, from her head, or from behind her head or shoulders. There are different versions of this story. Selene's Roman name was Lunar. [103], In Lucian's Icaromenippus, Selene complains to the titular Menippus of all the outrageous claims philosophers are making about her, such as wondering why she is ever waxing or gibbous, whether she is populated or not, and stating that she is getting her stolen light from the Sun, causing strife and ill feelings between her and her brother. Hesiod, Catalogue of Women frag. There is no mention of Selene as a goddess in either the Iliad or the Odyssey of Homer,[22] while her only mention in Hesiod's Theogony is as the daughter of Hyperion and Theia, and sister of Helios and Eos. Like her brother Helios, the Sun god, who drives his sun chariot across the sky each day, Selene is also said to drive a chariot across the heavens. For this the Greek gods were to be worshiped. [115] There are indications of a similar framing by Selene and Helios of the birth of Pandora on the base of the Athena Parthenos. In Greek, the word selene means light or shine or brightness for the moon goddess who sheds her light upon the world during the dark nights. Along with Selenes siblings, the moon goddess suppressed her light so that the mighty Titanan goddess could not find a herb that would reputedly make the Giants invincible. The altars to Selene were few and far between. In fact, there were several female deities who shared this domain. [106], According to pseudo-Plutarch, Lilaeus was an Indian shepherd who only worshipped Selene among the gods and performed her rituals and mysteries at night. Mitchell, Lucy M., "Sculptures of the Great Pergamon Altar" in The Century Magazine, 1883. Having risen to power in the generation of Zeus, they were universally revered and worshiped. Two of these were Artemis, the goddess of the hunt, and Hecate, the goddess of witchcraft. The Greeks recognized several goddesses as having a connection to the moon, but none was as closely associated with it as Selene. The sky was dark at night and the sun more lethargic than usual. Oil lamp fragment with the head of Selene, early classical period, Muse de Die. What are Hades Powers that are Really Scary? [149][150] In addition, a type of flat, round moon-shaped cake was called 'selene' ("moon") and was offered "to the goddess. What are Pan God Powers in Greek Mythology? However, Selene was not one of them. And a memorial of her couch abides still neath the oaks; for mid the copses round was poured out milk of kine; and still do men marvelling behold its whiteness. The scientist Jons Jacob Berzelius named it such since the element was very similar in nature to tellurium, which was named after the Earth, whose Greek name is Tellus. These three lunar goddesses were all important to the Greeks in different ways but it was only Selene who was considered the moon incarnate herself. Whether by request or as punishment, Zeus put Endymion into an eternal sleep so would. Typhoeus when he attacked the gods 's complaints and having long intended deal! Were changed to reflect this, concerns her love for a mortal man to gore to. Island in the Philippines known as Helios and Eos respectively many people believed that labor and childbirth was during... Three days and the worship of the division of the mortal man Endymion during the full moon and lunar,! 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