For almost five years now, weve been among those explaining why Shiva Ayyadurais claim that he invented email is complete bullshit. This is what happens to Patients who may start with one Lifestyle disease such as High Cholesterol and then they end up having Diabetes also and then they Progress to suffer from may be Blood Pressure also. Okay, so Ginger, when we look at Ginger, were using CytoSolve to understand the complexity of Ginger. He is widely known as the inventor of email. Vagas Pessoas Aprendizagem Fechar Fechar. Patient : Doctor I have got Multiple ills ( many Side Effects ) from the Pill you Prescribed. Okay Im sure most of you have seen it, but you never know. So today is going to be Ginger and Immune Health, a CytoSolve Molecular Systems Biology Analysis. Here you claim that Dr. Shiva claimed that Pirbright patented SARS-CoV-2. March 23rd Letter to president. I dont go a day without having some type of ginger tea or including it in some food. COVID Vaccines for Young Children Questions and Answers, Immune-Boosting Tips to Stay Well This Winter, Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV): A pathogen that will hopefully soon be vaccine-preventable. And its a product we call momentum to move. Then they do small sets of humans called Phase 1 larger sets called Phase 2, and many, many humans call Phase 3. What about all the kids and human trafficking. It exhibits well gingerols inhibit the transcription factor NF-kB which is responsible for TNF-a, IL-8, an IL-1b these are these are this part of the cytokine storm so Ginger stops it, but Ginger also stops COX-2 and 5-LOX which are the ones that create inflammation through PG-2 here and LTB. What are the health benefits of Ginger has so many profound effects first of all you know its oxidative damage its anti-ageing okay inflammation amazing for nausea and vomiting. You know how I get involved in understanding things as a system you see Ginger is itself a system. So molecular targets. So Ginger affects many different so when we say molecular targets, its important to understand were talking about Ginger, from the research that weve looked at what CytoSolve goes and affects different other molecules. And this allows us to discover things faster, cheaper, and safer. And by the way, mV25 is, Certified Clean, which means were not, were using organic sources. But here is really the talk about what is the essence of the TRUTH FREEDOM HEALTH Movement. Do you believe all of these things too? So it regulates that and it and it and it also is involved in the cell death regulators p53, Bcl2, Survivin and Bax. What Health Benefits does Ginger Provide? Ginger also lowers Pitta. Because the entire research base is not holistic. But were very proud of this because and, by the way, you can go to be and to the shop to get it. Specific things. So the guy touching the trunk thinks its a snake, the guy touching the test thinks its a sword, etc. The RNC was not with Trump all the way. What does it mean? dr shiva ayyadurai immune system vitamins. So, here, theyre doing cancer cells in a test tube than they do in vivo, which is on an animal. So anyway, in closing, what I want to share with you is when we take a Systems Approach, like weve done to developing mV25, is that when you take Ginger again, we can also take an Eastern and Engineering Systems Approach. Was Shiva involved in the mapping of the human genome between 1993 and 2003? It comes long before the Immune System, the antibody system even kicks in the interferons, constitute the first line of defence against infection. MIT PhD Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai Explains the Reality of the Modern Immune System IMMUNE HEALTH CoronaVirus Is the Right Time to Discusss Immune Health INFRASTRUCTURE, INFRASTRUCTURE, INFRASTRUCTURE Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai Exposes How CoronaVirus Exemplifies Deep State Creating Fear, Fake Problems, Fake Solutions. And thats really embodied in the VA SHIVA Truth Freedom Health Platform. Now, 33 years later my dear Mom was dying of a horrible disease called pulmonary fibrosis, in a suitcase she had saved all of this and then the senior technology editor of TIME magazine Doug Aamoth by the way one of the few journalists, if not the only reviewed all this material and he wrote an article called the man who invented Email. Trump is getting rid of the swamp. 1000s of genes get upregulated with the Interferon System, and type one IFNs are present in virtually all cells in the body in every cell in the body. So I encourage all of you to do that. . Lungs are being filled with fluid (because of an overreactive immune system) and one way to address the immune system is mega dosage Vitamin C. 80-90% of people on ventilators are dying. Heres The Truth: Shiva Ayyadurai Didnt Invent Email, The Crazy Story Of The Man Who Pretended To Invent Email, Miracle cure testimonials aside, azithromycin and hydroxychloroquine probably do not work against COVID-19, Vaccine Injury Epidemic (VIE) Event: Antivaxers protest the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, No, WHO scientists did not question the safety of vaccines at the Global Vaccine Safety Summit, Fact-checking hoaxes and conspiracies about the coronavirus. Ampliar bsqueda. The fact that you are so desperate to denounce him means he is right over the target. 4 Ways How Ginger Affects the Immune System. This course will provide you three pillars of knowledge with the Foundation of Systems Thinking. "STANFORD" put out PRO-VAXX, PRO-LOCKDOWN, PRO-MASK "science" NOW, HE's a "hero"?! Yes, its the tool thats been needed. Now what are the health benefits of Ginger so we walked through the molecular aspects and the biological aspects. And Im very grateful for all of you who have who are contributing, and those people who contribute $100 or more will get access to the Truth Freedom Health Warrior Training Program, but then you also get to build community, I want you to go online. And in return for that were starting to offer courses but thats what CytoSolve is. And the idea was, well, a human being we knew is so much more complex, we thought the hypothesis was that a human being must have at least 100,000 a million genes. Please contribute so we may continue to bring you such original research, valuable education, and innovative solutions. Dr. Shiva share how the theory of the immune system being taught now is about a 100 years old. They have the largest Ivory Towers ( Hospitals ) with state of Art Equipments you will not find in rest of the World yet they are The Sickest Nation in the World ( Check on CDC website ). Personalised and Precision medicine - once size . Any controversy that exists comes from a lack of understanding that Email is a system. This button displays the currently selected search type. IV nutrient therapy can be beneficial for a wide range of concerns. Were not using GMO sources, and its made in the United States. So this was manifested in one of the grand challenges that the National Science Foundation put forward in 2003. Vitamin A. Vitamin C. Vitamin E. If you're having radiation to treat lung cancer, avoid large doses of supplements like: Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) Vitamin C. Green tea extract. In fact, #Fauci is now agreeing to Dr.SHIVAs findings that Vitamin D can BOOST IMMUNITY, but too little, too late. And then your Innate Immune System reacts, which is the aspect of your Immune System in your eyes, your throat, your nose and that Immune System is one part. Shiva is an attention seeking twat. Trump is not the establishment. So if you think about an airplane today, we dont throw a pilot into some new airplanes, we do all of the airplane designs on the computer, we find out what fails, what works. Could we create a technology that could mathematically model that. So fundamentally, Ive created a science of not only political change, not only taken from Engineering Systems Theory, which all interconnects so when you understand System Science of Systems, youre understanding the science of everything. What Biological Functions Does Ginger Affect? So imagine the cell as a reactor having all these mathematical or chemical reactions, all these chemical reactions? Dr. Shiva on how Vitamins A and D keep Corona away PGurus Follow Covid Second Wave is upon us. He's currently the founder and CEO of Cytosol Inc. which is discovering cures for major diseases from pancreatic cancer to Alzheimer's. Clearly, HIV exposure seems necessary to cause AIDS. Again, we take a Systems Approach to understanding food: So we use a five part scale to really determine a holistic way what food is. You know, it looks at pieces. Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD in Biological Engineering, world-renowned systems biologist, will share what are the five things everyone can do, right now, to boost their immune system based. Understanding how Ginger Affects the Immune System. This is our data center, you could create your own community here, ask questions, theres a Social Media equivalent that weve done to Facebook all underground, so you dont get thrown off. What biological functions does Ginger affect? Dr. Fauci's policy, at best, is based on. Good evening. For example, lets say I wanted to combine Turmeric, which we talked about with resveratrol, which are grapes. Hepato means liver, okay, many of these roots, these rhizomes, including turmeric, as weve talked about, is a very powerful effect for protecting the liver. This is the website of Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD. the SARS-CoV-2 was patented by the Pirbirght Institute (that was a different virus), the WHO gets royalty checks whenever someone does a COVID-19 test. Fresh Ginger lowers Pitta okay which means it calms your digestion. And I want to thank many of you whove donated $25 or more to building our Truth Freedom Health movement. When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. #WorkersUnite. Now most of the MDs are not fully Versed as would a Cell Biologist or a Microbiologist or a Molecular Biologist would be. Alright there you go, so in closing what you can see here is that Ginger has a Synergistic Effect it not just hits one thing its like an orchestra conductor turning on many things, right anti inflammatory effects modulates the cytokine storm supports the calcium channels for asthma In terms of allergies, its a multiplicative effect. With CytoSolve, we can break through that. So how does that work? Specialties: Top rated in Los Angeles!! So thats the Gingerols. Este botn muestra el tipo de bsqueda seleccionado. I run the Truth Freedom Health warrior training program. Dr.SHIVA LIVE: Scott Adams & Elizabeth Warren are BOTH Racists. If you need more digestion metabolism thats a dry Ginger and then Ginger also lowers Kapha okay which is which means it lowers fat storage which Kapha is so you can see from an engineering standpoint from an Eastern Approach the effects of Ginger. CytoSolve is an amazing, revolutionary breakthrough, which allows us to look at all the literature over here on the bottom right, mine it, and mathematically model it. March 15, 2021 Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai Scientist Olive Leaf Extract is a Potent Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Viral, Anti-Bacterial, Natural Ingredient, Based on CytoSolve Analysis of 966 Research Articles, Spanning 21 Years that Include 13 Clinical Trials What Has Dr. Fauci Said About a COVID-19 Vaccine? In fact, interferons create the antiviral in that environment in the cell. approach to medicine and public health; and, at worst is. perpetuated, and exploited to build his career. And that System Approach really is what teaches us about the Immune System. And thats part of the Truth Freedom Health Platform. fender american professional ii vs ultra. They are going to bring about real voter change. First of all, they can only work with a single compound, they cant handle food, right? So, thats a lot to cover here and we have to do it pretty quickly in about 30 minutes because I have a class I got to teach at 7pm EST, again that class is a Truth Freedom Health Warrior Training Class. 2023 - All Rights Reserved |, Dr.SHIVA LIVE: Vitamin D to Boost Immunity, Dr.SHIVA LIVE: Systems Biology of Blood Clots, Spike Protein & Pericytes Beyond Vaxx & Anti-Vaxx. So this flipped Biology on its head, and it moved to a field called Systems Biology. Dismiss. So if the elephant here represents Immune Health, if the elephant represents cancer, right, you will find out that the individual way that research is done today in academia is its reductionism. Enter your email address to follow Vaxopedia and receive notifications of new posts by email. In fact, even the FDA is not allowing any of their medicines, are less and less of their medicines that come out because of the side effects and the toxicity. Anyway, thats a quick synopsis of this theres greater videos that weve done that will educate you on more, alright, so thats the full nature of the Immune System. And lets not forget about the media and publications that back these serial criminals that make Jeffrey dahmer look like a cub scout! And God forbid you ever got together and decided to work together, you would end up with something like this, which looked nothing like the elephant, okay? So there are people who will get a virus or a flu they wont they wont even get antibodies but their body fights and because the interferon system creates IFNs which go and activate NK cells, they activate you know the natural killer cells so your body gets immunity other way so its not just the antibodies thats a reductionist non systems view. Selenium. So when we put this on the label, CytoSolve optimized me this formula has been optimised to maximise benefits, and bioavailability, while minimizing toxicity, based on current research, curated by Cytosolve, as the Science Advances, So will this formulation, this is our promise. Dr.SHIVA LIVE: The Man Who Invented Email Now Revolutionizes Medicine. Im very fortunate to have come to this stage where I can do this. You will be proven Wrong. Without fear. #WorkersUnite. Great mind, Shiva Ayyadurai. Im going to jump right into our talk today. Chiudi. Okay, [6] shogaol. So, thats really, will give all of you a deep understanding of the many different kinds of things I do. That Interferon System is everywhere and unfortunately the MDs and the scientists dont even talk about the Interferon System. Now what are the effects of Ginger on immune health? Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD - the Inventor of Email, scientist, engineer, educator- presents a Systems Biology Analysis of Cloves & their effect the Immune System. And about a year ago, a couple years ago, we started looking at the many different types of things that are out there that can lower discomfort and pain in the body. So please go to And thats a Systems Approach to food. Fauci is a dr and has never treated one patient. And if you look at someone like Fauci, he is the guy who architected the big lie that HIV is responsible for AIDS.. Still in the Limbo. And what was that? So by the way, just to give you a heads up this outer circle is a cell wall. Inventor of Email @va_shiva While I an expert on the immune system, as early as JAN 2020 shared REAL SCIENCE to STOP LOCKDOWNS & exposed BS of Masks, etc Scumbag MD Jay Bhattacharya, Et Al at CIA HQ a.k.a. You had extremely wealthy people, extremely poor people, you had all different religious systems right Zoroastrians you know you had Hindus you had Christians outside of our apartment in Bombay we could look at you know during the holidays all different holidays taking place. system - one, which Dr. Fauci, over five decades has. So, its quite a large bit of research thats been done on it. Antitumor effects in cancer, hepatoprotective effects. Engineer. This course is available online for you to study at your own pace. So lets go back to Ginger. used speakers for sale craigslist; pioneer woman carne guisada; dr shiva ayyadurai immune system vitamins; By . But the point is, they ignore the IFN. Did I mention that Shiva Ayyadurai is an HIV denier? Shiva is wrong about Trump.So wrong.Trump is doing something now. Did I mention that Shiva Ayyadurai is an HIV denier? To get the education you need and deserve, join Dr.SHIVA on his Foundations of Systems course. Dr.SHIVA LIVE: THIS Is the Solution to the Global Attack on Freedom In this discussion, Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, Inventor of Based on your level of commitment to get educated, I have also created some wonderful educational gifts to thank you for your contribution. i am interested in more information please on this subject matter. All the places curcumin, which is the active ingredient in turmeric, so youre seeing all the red lines are all the different places where curcumin has an effect at the cellular level, including at the nuclear level. Were going to talk about Ginger today. So for example, the typical Innate Immune System is here, and is your immune cell. And so one of the areas that I thought CytoSolve would be very powerful used is in the entire drug development field, which is highly highly takes a lot of time to do its highly, highly inefficient, you can see and its inefficient, it is broken, the trillion dollar pharmaceutical industry is broken. A CytoSolve Systems Biology Analysis. Boosting Your Immune System During a Pandemic. How much do you take? But when you look at Ginger, and if you apply this youll find out when you look at your body, youll find out from the engineering Systems Approach Ginger lowers Vata Okay, so if youre very jittery and you want to calm down right if you have an upset stomach thats transport Ginger lowers Vata. Beta- carotene. You know this way in ancient times people learned certain herbs are so powerful you didnt have to think about it you just included as a part of your diet it was a very superior food alright alright so those are the very powerful health benefits of the biological benefits of Ginger. Fechar. I dont know about this idea of Dr. Shiva that HIV doesnt cause AIDSbut I do know that Dr. Shiva doesnt really subscribe to the germ theory of disease in general, so perhaps that is why hes saying that. Dr.SHIVA LIVE: Scott Adams & Elizabeth Warren are BOTH Racists. Okay, thats where youre understanding without any hyperbole. for example, some people have nuts and shellfish and pollen and what Ginger does is it mitigates the allergic reaction by reducing the production of histamines in the basophils so Ginger works inside the basophils so you dont have this allergic response and then finally relative to asthma. When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. So the Interferon System is much more profound. So lets talk about Ginger and Immune Health, what I did was I brought a piece of Ginger here people havent seen it. Its fundamentally broken. Again, heres another way, youre looking at a series of infected epithelial cells, the macrophage slides through the lining, and after it eats it up and presents this to the CD4 T-cell which causes your B-cell to create antibodies over here, it stops the virus, but also the CD4 cell innervates your CD8 T-cell to go kill the infected cell. One died from a chronic heart condition.