Sobriety is a huge advantage, in my experience. 2019 Oct 22;3(20):2920-2933. doi: 10.1182/bloodadvances.2019000350. 7Let him drink, and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more. Something is being transferred from one to the other, likely through the breath, complemented by a type of sympathetic resonance,or pheromone emanation. They have several good brands available; their shipping is free after $20. I have made it a personal witness of mine to share the They also help with clotting. Peace fellow humans I pray for us all, Hi Chris, thanks for sharing this information. Im amazed you went out and found your own!! I am a functional health practitioner specializing ingenomic analysis ofcthe inflammation (oxidative stress) and detoxification pathways. I didnt know this. How can this simple remedy work so well in the face of such a seemingly insurmountable condition? The process goes as follows: Fill out medical questionnaire. Brian, often people write articles in which they are competent in understanding, but for a layperson it is often difficult to follow. Their immune system seems to be warding off side effects at this point. Its a natural (and free) vitamin c supplement : ). Mullein Tea is my first go to. I honestly dont know what was wrong with me and/or what happened. A summary of its antioxidant benefits are outlined in this report 100 Years of Suramin(attached as a PDF). Maybe you had no choice in the matter. They may be making sure that their loved My yard likely has a great candidate to make pine needle tea. Great job. My mother takes it twice a month. Grapes fermented. Sleeping sickness (also known as human African trypanosomiasis [HAT]) was at the forefront of research at that time, not a neglected disease as it is today, and the development of suramin was a breakthrough for the emerging field of chemotherapy. Accessibility There is a direct relationship between Suramin (the isolated extract), pine needle tea (a hot water extract of the pine, fir, cedar, and spruce needles), and pine oil (which is derived from the needles though an essential oil steam distillation process)., >With 9-day exposure, there was no effect with suramin concentrations of 100 microM or less. When will enough be enough? (im careful about only meeting them outdoors & dont stay too close. I even told a close confidant to handle a few things if I died in the coming days. Lets be clear, the bible says not to get drunk, a drunkard will not enter heaven. Suramin [ S-U-R-A-M-I-N]. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones. Dandelion root works, too. This is clearly what the bible forbids, drinking to the point of obvious intoxication. and transmitted securely. But I also, as a critical thinker, did an inventory of my life and tried to pinpoint all possible causes of these headaches, fatigue and head twitching beneath my skull. We are all animals, arent we? The G betagamma dimer as a novel source of selectivity in G-protein signaling: GGL-ing at convention. needle on LDL oxidation and its anti-inflammatory action by modulation of iNOS and COX-2 expression in LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophages, Anti-Inflammatory Principles from the Needles of Pinus taiwanensis Hayata and In Silico Studies of Their Potential Anti-Aging Effects, Anti-inflammatory properties of fermented pine (Pinus morrisonicola Hay.) Interestingly, Roche is also currently entangled in a $1.5 billion false claims lawsuit that you can read about at your leisure. I got it on Amazon Yes, yes, yes!!! Your privacy is protected. We have now examined the effect of suramin on G protein signaling for the vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) receptor in lung. I have read many times that ivermectin will also protect us from the vaxxed shedding (same spike protein in the virus; same spike protein shedding from people). The study found that the flavonoids in pine needles have potential anti-aging properties. Ill tell you my story because I think its important. In 2018 I couldnt kick that illness and finally went to the dr. Luckily I saw a very cool dr, and first thing he said was, you havent been to a dr for 14 yrs based on your historyI laughed and said thats how I like it. I will be buying some of the pine needle tea. PINE TEA: Possible Antidote for Spike Protein Transmission God bless! The Amazing Dr. Judy Mikovitz! Awe! I am contacting Indiamart to buy Ivermectin. This is another reason Jesus said fasting (putting the flesh under submission) works against the demonic. Period. type and mutant . I work in a salon and get it because of the people I work close to I wanted to have it on hand in case I start to have symptoms and I take the ivermectin right away for 12 pills you take four pills the first day skip a day another four pills skip another day and another four pills it helps to stop the Covid in your body.. I thoroughly enjoyed this story and thought that it is my duty to place a comment so you know that people are reading these informative articles. What about personal devotions and daily communion with Jesus, is that not enough? Dr. Judy Mikovitz,, My observation is that those who maintain high levels of health are not affected by either the serum nor the transference contagion. Dont worryivermectin has a very low toxicity level (as you did ease up and its flushed out with no harm). Then, pharmacy calls you personally. The bible forbids ***drunkenness***, not casual consumption. It must have been an instinctivecall. Are you aware of anything? do your own research, i do not want this to be considered medical advice that i am liable for!God bless you. My potentially life-threatening experience began around May 7. Im glad you are back to typical. Freissmuth M, Boehm S, Beindl W, Nickel P, Ijzerman AP, Hohenegger M, Nanoff C. Wang HY, Friedman E, Olmstead MC, Burns LH. I *starred* the phrases to point out the variation in them, little wine and much wine. I thought it was stress, but now Im thinking he exposed me to the spike protein. This is from Psalm 104, He causeth the grassto growfor the cattle,and herbfor the serviceof man:that he may bring forthfoodout of the earth; Excessive coagulation causes blood . Theres an expression that says, Give the devil an inch, hell take a mile. Ephesians 4:17 tells us not to give place to the devil. Hope you find a new position with sane, informed, empathetic medical people. Reverse the damage with the antidote Suramin! It comes in a synthetic pharmaceutical concentrate which can be injected into your body in case of emergencies or you can simply extract Pine oil through distillation." She is coughing all over the place, within close proximity to me! June 7, 2021. Hope this helps you & others., >The enzyme, Guanine 7 Methyltransferase is responsible for the capping of the SARS-CoV-2 mRNA to conceal it from the hosts cellular defense. Molecule 205 wassuramin(Fig. I had to take my Dad to ER on Memorial Day for vertigo, head pressure, blurry vision and a headache. PINE TEA: Possible Antidote for Spike Protein Transmission - NutriTruth Red pine needle oil (or tea) contains something called suramin, which appears to be an antidote to spike protein contagion. I had to find younger trees or I couldnt reach the needles. I may have just had severe migraines for a week due to stress and being overworked. From 1 Timothy 5, No longer drink only water, but use a **little wine** for your stomachs sake and your frequent infirmities. Paul explicitly told Timothy to drink a little wine, so it becomes clear wine is not evil in and of itself. Since when is it acceptable to kill thousands of people and maim hundreds of thousands more with a medicine??? In short, the anti- cancer properties of red wine are cancelled out by its cancer-causing properties. It found that the extract had strong anti-browning and anti-microbal properties in fruits and vegetables. They drank wine in the old days often because water was not clean. Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospers. The infection on my toe also healed, and Ive had energy for the first time in 2 years. A World Health Organization (WHO) essential medicine for African sleeping sickness. Suramin, pine needle tea possible antidote to current spike protein in line, or the lady getting in the car next to mine. Take care of yourself first, then look to assist any willing to listen and join in the reconstruction. Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise. I also found stirring it really fast causes the leftover needles to sink to the bottom of the cup. Because these people wouldn't be injecting people unless they knew the answer. suramin spike protein - How many star anise do you use per cup of water? Suramin has inhibitory effects against components of the coagulation cascade and against the inappropriate replication and modification of RNA and DNA. $20/4oz might be more reasonable than you think. Starting from the antitrypanosomal activity of the dyetrypan blue, synthesized in 1904 by Paul Ehrlich, Bayer made a series of colorless and more potent derivatives. I did buy Star anise from the store but I saw its made in China and I dont honestly truat anything made from there. Neuroscience. Thank you for this article and all the work you are doing. Combine with other herbs as desired to obtain further benefits and flavors. This is another reason Jesus said fasting (putting the flesh under submission) works against the demonic. But if I have assumed correctly, then I must ask the following: Why do you drink? I forgot that people were getting jabbed here in Arizona as early as Feb, so I didnt know yet about the danger to the unvaxxed. Its important people can get some other perspectives and knowledge. 5:11, the word drunkard is from the Greek word methysos , the root word is methy and is defined by Strongs as to drink to intoxication, i.e. Mechanical homeostasis of liver sinusoid is involved in the initiation and termination of liver regeneration. ETERNAL LIFE BLESSINGS FOR YAHWEHS SAINTS! Is it for enjoyment? Whatever, he was on the right track and I am grateful for all that he taught me whether he knows it or not. Hi! The Rx was in the $200 range for 6 months. Subscription confirmation required. Here is the article that you have to read regarding the spike protein and its effects on . Has anyone been using Dandelion Tea or Fennel Tea??.. It seemed that nothing we did after he came down with the virus was helping. Who knows. Just wondering as I am back at work with the GMO people. Be careful with theyewpine (which is not a true pine) and can be toxic, although it does have a fewmedicinal properties). Had the same reaction also. These may be my go-to prophylaxis in a pinch when Im around vaxxed, GMO humans. I find the more stress, the worse the headache and its duration. It would be good to store a few bags of this in the freezer, just in case. Suramin analogues as subtype-selective G protein inhibitors. Alcohol effects our brains, our cognitive functions and it also impairs our health so mentioning the verse about staying SOBER is accurate. The pine needle tea seems to be working. Also, what about Vitamin D levels? Pine needle tea is one of the best ways to realize the potential benefits of suramin and shikimic acid. Trypan blue is so-called because it can killtrypanosomes, the parasites that causesleeping sickness. Or maybe theyre radioactive?? Loosely packed? Thank you again for all the work you have done. How do these enzymes help re exposure to shedding?! Official blog of COVID Legal USA. If myself, if Brian, if anyone enters in this spiritual war, you need to be healthy, you need your brain to fully function and you need to be physically and mentally SOBER. Dr. Zach Bush has info on the shikimate (shikimic?) So I figured it would just go away with time. Thats why he gave us plants vs doctors. Thank you for sharing! Satan devours those who are not given a mind of understanding by God with his deluded dead religion and all the wolves who promote it. I lowered dose & they gone away. by Brian A. Wilkins Now, here is the direct connection between Suramin and Pine Needle Tea: She cant walk far or even drive. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal We will get rid of them by making them believe that it is for their own good. Alert for readers: some bots are on board downvoting posts. In Jesus holy name, Amen. A weight value would be helpful so that equal strength could be achieved from whole, chopped, or pulverized needles. needle on lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation in RAW 264.7 macrophage cells, Antioxidant, antimutagenic, and antitumor effects of pine needles (Pinus densiflora), Anti-oxidant activity and effect of Pinus morrisonicola Hay. Homemade Pine Needle Tea (Shikimate) Antidote For Spike Protein I sprained my foot and could not forage for the pine needles near where I live. Love you post! PINE TEA: Possible Antidote for Spike Protein Transmission One is recommended, the other is forbidden, what is the difference? There are markers on the side of the pusher on the tube/syringe that are in 50 lb increments. Dont put it in boiling water. What is a drunkard? Come winter when the spike protein in their bodies will be challenged with new pathogens, we will all discover our true levels of health. I use a sugared CoQ10 gummy (instead of a sugar cube) and source turpentine from Diamond G Forest Products of Georgia. There is a potential antidote to the current spike protein contagion which is called Suramin. I also had the same reaction after my acupuncturist. I too am around shot victims?. Verily I say unto you, I will drink no more of the fruit of the vine, until that day that I drink it new in the kingdom of God. Before Then the weak and then the useless who do not contribute anything to society because there will be more and more, and especially finally the stupid. Still wasnt sure, but increase in pain threw uncertainty out the window. Its essentially the same medicine as that used for humans, just packaged differently and is cheaper too. Found some and only took a little bit from each tree as to not compromise the trees health. I am ready. "Jason Shurka Q: Do you know of anyway, to heal oneself from the injuries from the current injection? When I write articles I try to make it easy reading and often get feedback precisely about it is pleasant for others to read what I write. Everyone MUST be vaccinated before September 1. Doesnt have to be White Pine.. Just make sure the one you chose isnt one of the toxic varieties. This is an amazing story! This site rocks the Classic Responsive Skin for Thesis. there are different protocols for Covid treatment, so dont worry if you read different things. Careers. polyclonal antibody against SARS-CoV-2 SP (Cat# 40150-R007) and ACE2 protein 23! A 2011 study published in the journal Nutrition Research and Practice concluded that a hot water extract from the pine species Pinus densiflora had far superior antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties than extracts from chemical processes. I dont know where to get the pine needles. What is a drunkard? Hi, thats awesome. Laurie, I agreegood words. How are you using the red pine oil, topically or internally? It is a 100 year old essential medicine. But the exhaustion was huge; sore throat, and a persistent cough.Then a couple days later, my hubby got all the same symptoms. Im drying mine, like dried herbs, and keeping in a mason jar in a cool, dark place. We believe God knows best. It comes in a synthetic pharmaceutical concentrate which can be injected into your body in case of emergencies or you can simply extract Pine oil through distillation. Yes, God said there was a place for wine: Proverbs 31-Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. I just want to make a note on your comment, Liz. I am praying everyday that I will find a way to undo what I did to myself. I was in close proximity to him and many others while I stayed with him in the ER for 6 hours. I am allergic to the serum is one of their solutions. It has a higher percentage of suramin than pine needles. Hydrogen peroxide oxidizes metal and taken orally is said to make body reject non bio materials.