The Targum is, but thou Ahithophel; of whom the words are literally to be understood, and so they are in the Talmud (u); and mystically and typically of Judas[30], Other commentaries, such as those of Matthew Poole,[31] John Phillips,[32] C. H. Spurgeon,[33] Chuck Smith,[34] E.W. you have contributed so much great eye opening articles making Muslims and Christians aware of such controversial subjects. It also means that she had married Uriah the Hittite at even earlier age. And Im about to make articles as a form of ultimate refutations to your silly allegations. No, this is not a tu quoque fallacy, which is defined as: an informal fallacy that intends to discredit the opponents argument by asserting the opponents failure to act consistently in accordance with its conclusion(s).[79]. Since David died when he was 70 years old, it means that he was 50 years old when Bathsheba (9-11 years old) gave birth to Solomon. The traditional ascription to David cannot on any ground be maintained. Great. JazahAllahu Khair for your hard word we learn so much from you, Was iyyak. [4] Sanhedrin 69b, The evidence in question comes from the infamous marriage of David and Bathsheba. [] This was also based on the Prophets marriage to Aisha. When he realized that Absalom had not taken his advice on how to fight David, Ahithophel knew that the conspiracy against the king would fail. So does Barnes Notes on the Bible (emphasis ours): The meaning is, that they do not live half as long as they might do, and would do, if they were not bloody and deceitful.[53]. King David Create. One night in Jerusalem, King David was walking upon his rooftop when he spotted a beautiful woman bathing nearby (2 Samuel 11:2). Brother can you refute this also. Yes, we do believe that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is a role-model for all times. Note that the dictionary does not deny that Ahithophel was Bathshebas granddaughter or that he was the subject of Psalm 55. Dr. J. Vernon McGee, in a commentary he gave on Thru the Bible Radio, also identified the betrayal by Ahithophel as the subject of the psalm,[48] and so does Eastons Bible Dictionary (among many others). While puberty could occur at such an early age, it is unlikely. Or Ammiel, [1 Chronicles 3:5] who was the son of Ahithophel, [2 Samuel 23:34] who might, for the dishonour done by David to his niece Bathsheba, be the readier to conspire against him, and to take part with Absalom., [22], Ahithophel was the grandfather of Bathsheba., [23], The reason for this strong enmity was likely that Ahithophel was the grandfather of Bathsheba, [24], He was Bathshebas grandfather; and we are not going wrong, I think, in tracing his passionate hatred, and the peculiar form of insult which he counselled Absalom to adopt, to the sense of foul wrong which had been done to his house by Davids crime., [25], Eliam: 11:3; 15:31; 17:23; 1 Chronicles 27:33,34, [26], What swept Ahithophel into the ranks of that great conspiracy? Im not a non-Muslim. These include Adam Clarke,[56] Matthew Henry,[57] Joseph Caryl,[58] Henry Hammond,[59] and Griffith Williams. It reads like a song of the time of Absalom and Ahithophel. He hanged himself after realizing that the revolt would fail. The name Eliam is only mentioned twice in the, But 1 Chronicles 11:36 gives the alternate name for Eliam, the son of Ahithophel as Ahijah the Pelonite, so he cannot be the same person as the father of Bathsheba!, Third, if Ahijah is an alternate name for Eliam, it still does not refute the claim that Eliam was the son of Ahithophel and the father of Bathsheba, simply because the Chronicler does not provide any additional information. [63] Finally, he returned to Giloh and hanged himself after Absalom failed to take his advice. When she came to him, he had sex with her. Webthe Judaism of Moses and David -- Messianic Redemption. Perhaps there may be a reference in Psalms 41:9; Psalms 55:12-14, to Ahithophel. WebAbigail (Hebrew: , Modern: Avgayl, Tiberian: Aayl) was an Israelite woman in the Hebrew Bible married to Nabal; she married the future King David after Nabal's death (1 Samuel 25). David was sinful because he had taken another mans wife, not that he had slept with a 7-year old. xxiii. He lived well past half [the] days of the normal lifespan. Practically, I have helped the authors of DTT website and after I have done that, Im gonna deal with websites like wikiIslam and answering islam. The Babylonian Talmud states that (emphasis ours): Bathsheba gave birth to Solomon when she was six, because a woman is stronger and can conceive at an earlier age. See here for the sheep ate the Quran polemic: Could you also tell or contact the author of this article telling him that a man having a channel called Islam Critiqued claimed to have refuted or debunked the marriage of Rebekah and Isaac. [73] Sanhedrin 69b, The Bible says, And the woman was intelligent and beautiful in appearance (1 Sam. This is where Psalm 55 comes in. I am the author, and I have already debunked IC on Rebekah. Absalom calculated on his adhesion from the first (2 Samuel 15:12); the history does not directly say why, but incidentally it comes out: he was father of Eliam (or by transposition Ammiel, 1 Chronicles 3:5), the father of Bathsheba (2 Samuel 11:3; 2 Samuel 23:34; 2 Samuel 23:39)., [9], He may have been the grandfather of Bathsheba, Davids partner in sin and wife, [10], Being Bathshebas grandfather, he had been alienated by Davids criminal conduct, [11], A Gilonite, grandfather of Bathsheba, and a very wise counsellor of David, [12], Some have endeavored to account for Ahithophels treason by the supposition that, as it seems likely he was Bath-shebas grandfather, he wished to revenge on David the evil done to her. If we assume that the four years refers to the time from the commencement of the criminal schemes (per Barnes), that means that Solomon was no older than 9 years (2+3+2+2=9). According to Deuteronomy 22:22, what was the penalty for adultery? (LogOut/ Other commentators also explain the verse this way. By the way, Im not a non-Muslim, but a Sunni Muslim and I apologize if I have by mistake made these allegations. Abigail was David's second wife, after Saul and Ahinoam's daughter, Michal, whom Saul later married to Palti, son of Laish, when David went into hiding. Eliam. In the case of Ahithophel, not only was his wise council rejected by Absalom (55:9), he also committed met a violent and untimely death by suicide (55:23). We have already seen evidence in a previous article that the marriage was Biblically valid. From this rapid survey of the general calamity, David turns to the chief supporter of the rebellion, his former chief counsellor. Rather, David laments being betrayed by: a man like myself, my companion, my close friend, with whom I enjoyed sweet fellowship[28]. Some Bible dictionaries mention both Eliams without any additional information. And the claim that Allah is a moon God has been debunked many times. Thus, Bathsheba could have been around 12-14 years old at the time of the birth of Solomon, which means that she was around 10-12 years old at the time David first encountered her. Thus, he went back to his home and hanged himself (2 Samuel 17:23). King Davids Marriage To 12 Year Old Abishag - Bible. Psalm 55 is a prayer of David asking God to save him from his enemies. hmm wasnt Bathsheba married before she was pregnant with Solomon and also didnt she also lose a child before giving birth to Solomon I mean come on abduls According to 2 Samuel 15:30, David was on the Mount of Olives when he found out about Ahithophel. But anyway, nice website! These include Adam Clarke. [49], Among the Jewish commentaries besides the Talmud and the Targums, Rashi also identified Ahithophel as the subject of the psalm,[50] and this was also the view of the Pirkei Avot.[51]. [1] In this follow-up article, I will present powerful evidence that will silence the rabid Christians who criticize Muhammads marriage to Aisha, inshaAllah. [5] Thus, Ahitophel was Bathshebas grandfather. Among the Jewish commentaries besides the Talmud and the Targums, Rashi also identified Ahithophel as the subject of the psalm. Ahithophel was known as Davids counsellor, [41], And the prayer here used is followed with another in the history, to turn the counsel of Ahitophel, an enemy of his, but held in great reputation, into foolishness., [42], My guide my counselor; as Ahithophel was to David (1 Samuel 15:12; 1 Samuel 16:23)., [43], This Old Testament Judas is none other than Ahithphel, the right hand of Absalom., [44], In retaining this reference to David, however, we are not to think of Doeg, Ps. There is disagreement among the experts as to what age that should be. WebAPI Access. Thus, when Christians say that Muhammads (peace be upon him) marriage to Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) was immoral, and if Muslims were to respond by saying well, the Biblical figures married young girls too, so they are also immoral, that would be a tu quoque fallacy. Add an answer. For example, Willis Beecher states under the entry Ahithophel in the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (emphasis ours): It is not strange that men have inferred that the son of Ahithophel was the father of Bathsheba. Title: The Toilet of Bathsheba. The recorded events of Davids life after his misconduct with Bathsheba cannot have occupied less than about twenty years; that is, he cannot have been at the time older than about fifty years. In fact, the ages of women are not mentioned except in a few places (e.g., the age of Sarah when she gave birth to Isaac). But, God called Bathsheba his own, worthy of legacy of his Son. He didnt go down to his own house. By the way, can you visit my website and comment below about what you think of my articles? Even knowing she was Ironically, the evidence comes from the life of her. Therefore, Christians now have the problem of having to find excuses to justify Davids sexual intercourse with Bathsheba and Yahwehs approval of it. Also already taken care of. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. You Muslims believe Muhammad is a role model for all times!, In my view, we should leave it to the experts (e.g., physicians and psychologists) to determine what is an appropriate age for maturity, if there is one. While the enemies are not named, a man like myself, my companion, my close friend, with whom I enjoyed sweet fellowship. Psychologist Dr. Robert Epstein has made the controversial suggestion that young people, regardless of how young, should be allowed to make decisions about marriage and sex provided that they demonstrate that he or she knows about the risks of sexis physically and emotionally mature, and so on, an arbitrary age cutoff necessarily allows incompetent people to gain rights and privileges they probably shouldnt have., The norm that the ulama did come to consensus on was only a general guideline: they prohibited sexual intercourse for girls not able to undergo it, on the basis that otherwise sex could be physically harmful. David didnt seduce Bathsheba; he raped her. Nathans rebuke places the entire blame on David, and not on Bathsheba. It is not known how old David was when he met Bathsheba. 0. If you want, I can just make a website refuting your baseless claims. And do not give the weak-minded your property, which Allah has made a means of sustenance for you, but provide for them with it and clothe them and speak to them words of appropriate kindness. Read 2 Samuel 11:6-25. 21. This is confirmed by most dictionaries, including Smiths Bible Dictionary,[6] the American Tract Society Bible Dictionary,[7] Fausetts Bible Dictionary,[8] the Holman Bible Dictionary,[9] Hastings Bible Dictionary,[10] the Morrish Bible Dictionary,[11] the Peoples Dictionary of the Bible,[12] and the Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature. It should be noted that the Bible does not state Bathsheba was _ years old. Here are the search results of the thread how old was bathsheba when she met Based on the example of Barzillai, 80 years seems to have been the upper limit of life in Davids time. Indeed, this is highly unlikely given that Barzillai the Gileadite, who was 80 years old at the time of the revolt and was a supporter of David, was not willing to cross the Jordan river with David to go to Jerusalem from Mahanaim after Absaloms defeat and death because he was too old.[65]. In the evening Uriah went out to sleep in the same place, alongside his masters servants, but he did not go down to his own home. This is not the Muslims problem because we do not believe in the Bible as a reliable source of information. Since this is now firmly established, we may ask what relevance it has in determining Bathshebas age at the time of her marriage to David. But this is not reasonable. Once David took the bait, Nathan pronounced Gods judgment: This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: I anointed you king over Israel Why did you despise the word of the Lord by doing what is evil in his eyes? Thus, while marriage at the onset of puberty was not unusual, the Bible indicates that both marriage and sexual intercourse were sometimes permitted at very young ages (though this does not appear to be the norm). The son of Ahithophel (2 Samuel 23:34)., [93], Bath-sheba, the daughter of Eliam or Ammiel (1 Chronicles 3:5), one of Davids worthies (2 Samuel 23:34), and son of Ahithophel., [94], According to the Midrash, Ahithophel was Batshebas grandfather., [95], [96], [97], [98], [105], Tagged as: 2 Samuel, Absalom, Age of consent, Ahithophel, Bathsheba, Bible, Child Marriage, David, Eliam, Psalm 55, par excellence. Furthermore, as stated, David himself was 70 years old at the time of his death. shall not half their days; that is, shall be soon cut off. They will vociferously deny that Bathsheba was around 7 years old (or perhaps as old as 9) when she first encountered David and they will deny that she was the granddaughter of Ahithophel. [105] This agrees with Biblical standards as well. He states that: an arbitrary age cutoff necessarily allows incompetent people to gain rights and privileges they probably shouldnt have.[101]. The oldest man in the Bible, after the patriarchs, was Jehoiada, who supposedly died at the age of 130 (2 Chronicles 24:15). There is simply no reason to make assume otherwise, other than to avoid the embarrassment of finding out Bathshebas true age. In this article, we have now seen blockbuster evidence of a beloved Biblical figure (~50-year old David) lusting after and marrying a young girl (~7-year old Bathsheba). Using Psalm 55:23, it would mean that Ahithophel could not have gone past the age of 45 years (note again that this is the conservative estimate). Medium: Oil on wood. 2012-01-09 00:45:39. Psalm 55 is a prayer of David asking God to save him from his enemies. Actually, God had no problem with it. The marriages of Uriah and David did not seem to bother anyone, including Yahweh. Wiki User. Six times in one paragraph (vv. He also gives 3 main reasons why it is not recommended to set a certain cutoff for basic rights, these being: This is more or less how medieval Islamic scholars dealt with the issue. Table 1: Age comparisons between David, Ahithophel, Solomon, and Bathsheba at different times. Surah 70 Verse 30 which Christians take out of context. If this was the normal lifespan at the time, and the bloodthirsty and deceitful will not live out half their days, then we can reasonably estimate Ahithophels age to less than 40 years. She was but a young woman, the wife of a foreigner; David was the king. [97] Finally, the Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature provides perhaps the best explanation (emphasis ours): Ahijah the Pelonite appears in 2 Samuel 23:34 as Eliam the son of Ahithophel the Gilonite, of which the former is a corruption; Ahijah forming the first part of Ahithophel, annd [sic] Pelonite and Gilonite differing only by and [98]. An argument has been founded on this to account for the hostility of Ahithophel to king David, [89], Eliam Or Ammiel, 1 Chronicles 3:5, the component words being placed in an inverse order. Furthermore, according to 2 Samuel 15:31, upon finding out about Ahithophel, David prayed to God to: turn Ahithophels counsel into foolishness.. Note that this is the most. So 70 - 45 = 25 70 - 50 = 20 Solomon would be 20 to 25 And my master Joab and my masters troops are camping in the open field. The couple had concluded the marriage contract when Aisha was only six but had waited to consummate the marriage until she reached physical maturity.. The fact is that the context fits well with Absaloms revolt and especially with Ahithophels betrayal of David. 12 Then David told Uriah, Stay here one more day. Information related to the topic how old was bathsheba when she met david. another great academic article. Unspoken is a compelling story of Bathsheba and David as told by award-winning author Francine Rivers. (2 Samuel 11:24) David didnt invite Bathsheba. Rather, by the onset of puberty, they were adults and were treated as such. Subjects > Arts & Entertainment > Movies & Television. He was the grandfather of Bathsheba.[69]. Would David have called Ahithophel a man mine equal (, The more sins we do commit, the more we hasten our own death; because as the wise man saith, The fear of the Lord prolongeth days, but the years of the wicked shall be shortened (Pro 10:27); and the prophet David saith, , Uriah the Hittite and Eliam, being both of the kings guard (consisting of 37 officers), were intimate, and Uriah married the daughter of his brother officer (, Son of Ahithophrl and father of Bathsheba (,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Benjamin Tudelas Description Of Jews In 12th CenturyBaghdad,, Our Christian Brothers Must Root Out The Extremists In TheirMidst, Analysing The Incident Of Sad b. Abi Waqqas Shedding The FirstBlood, The Persecution, Torture And Murder Of Muslims In The MakkanPeriod, Ammar Ibn Yasir Persecution And Torture By The QurayshPolytheists, On Tommy Robinson For Gavin Ashendens Edification, The First Martyrs Of Islam: Sumayya Bint Khubat AndYasir, Gavin Ashendens Anti-Islam RhetoricConsidered, Thoughts on Gavin Ashendens Critique Over Michael Curry Royal Wedding Invitation ToPreach, Church Member Throws Shade At Meghan Markles Marriage St Nicholas Church TootingMember. See my videos here: I agree that Rebekah was not 3 years old. How could they both be alive in 1 Chronicles 27 when Ahithophel supposedly committed suicide in 2 Samuel 17? [68] Similarly, Smiths Bible Dictionary states that he was approximately 32 years old and died around 1023 BCE (emphasis ours): a native of Giloh, was a privy councillor of David, whose wisdom was highly esteemed, though his name had an exactly opposite signification. See the same link to the playlist. And test the orphans [in their abilities] until they reach marriageable age. [74], [75], [76], [79] My wife was Mrs Wallace, and still is. But as for me, I trust in you.. If the historical David (peace be upon him) had indeed married Bathsheba at such a young age (without committing adultery), the marriage would not have been consummated until she was physically mature, which would have been at the onset of puberty. ( 1 Sam Judaism of Moses and David as told by award-winning author Rivers. 69B, https: // lang=bi days ; that is, shall be soon cut off puberty, were! Of psalm 55 your hard word we learn so much great eye opening articles making Muslims and aware! To Aisha Psalms 41:9 ; Psalms 55:12-14, to Ahithophel a reliable source of information or that had! Concluded the marriage until she reached physical maturity that the dictionary does not deny that Ahithophel was Bathshebas granddaughter that. 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