Imprimatur. He fought against the rise of German Protestantism and founded Capuchin houses at Madrid and at Munich, where he took part in the political discussions preceding the Thirty Years War. Regrettably, I can't reply to every letter, but I greatly appreciate your feedback especially notifications about typographical errors and inappropriate ads. Lawrence of Brindisi (22 July 1559 - 22 July 1619), born Giulio Cesare Russo, was a Roman Catholic priest and a theologian as well as a member of the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin. The saint's up-to-date mastery of biblical science, which the Protestants opposed to tradition, to the Scholastics, and to the ecclesiastical magisterium, gave Lawrence an undisputed authority in controversies with the innovators. . Translations, 107 Poems by writer. Conrad Holzinger of Saxony, OFM. Consequently, he was always the one chosen to address, in accordance with the Italian custom, a short sermon to his compatriots on the Infant Jesus during the Christmas festivities. The known writings of St. Lorenzo of Brindisi comprise eight volumes of sermons, two didactic treatises on oratory, a commentary on Genesis, another on Ezechiel, and three volumes of religious polemics. St. Lawrence of Brindisi, O.F.M.Cap. spiritual life of St. Francis and his followers revolve, so also is this august Such a knowledge, in the eyes of many, could be accounted for only by supernatural assistance, and, during the process of beatification, the examiners of the saint's writings rendered the following judgment: "Vere inter sanctos Ecclesiae doctores adnumerari potest.". Amid so many various undertakings Lorenzo found time for the practices of personal sanctification. Cuthbert Gumbinger, O.F.M.Cap., S.T.D. Saint Lawrence of Brindisi was one of the greatest ornaments of the Capuchin Order, and deserved well of both Church and State at the beginning of the 17th century. first volume of the Saints Opera Omnia is dedicated entirely to the Sermons he Preaching, to him, was "magnum et superhumanum munus" because it demands in the preacher "vitae sanctitas et doctrinae veritas." As his feebleness prevented him from marching, he mounted on horseback and, crucifix in hand, took the lead of the army, which he drew irresistibly after him. In the light of present exegetical studies, this work of Lawrence has particular interest. In baptism he received the names of Julius Caesar. St. Lawrence of Brindisi (+1619) was a true champion of the absolute primacy of Christ. It was on the occasion of the foundation of the convent of Prague (1601) that St. Lorenzo was named chaplain of the Imperial army, then about to march against the Turks. St Lawrence (1559 - 1619) was born into a merchant family in Brindisi, Italy. This article was transcribed for New Advent by Paul T. Crowley. Having discharged this mission successfully, the saintly ambassador received a double mandate by virtue of which he was to represent the interests of the pope and of Madrid at the court of Maximilian of Bavaria, head of the League. The He made use of a personal kind of short-hand. Updates? Franciscan Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Vol. He was educated by the conventual Franciscans there and by his uncle at St. Mark's in Venice. The Catholic Encyclopedia, "Saint Lawrence of Brindisi", Franciscan Media, "Closing prayers said at the Rosary Vigils and Sunday Holy Hours". History, mythology, law, legend, science, and art are pressed into service, together with theology and philosophy, to make his sermons exemplars of the art of preaching. That does not mean that everything St. Lawrence says is necessarily accurate. St. Lawrence had a rich personality, wonderful talents, and a fine appearance. Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. Sermons. St. Lawrence served as a deacon in Rome in the third century. Desprez, Palestrina, Pergolesi, Haydn, Schubert, and Rossini. Christology and Mariology. As however they still exceeded in numbers the Christian army, they formed their lines anew, and a few days later another battle was fought. [5], He was beatified in 1783 by Pope Pius VI and was canonized in 1881 by Pope Leo XIII. Franciscans and Franciscanism throughout their long history. From 1596 to 1602 he had, as general definitor, to fix his residence in Rome. Saint Lorenza (Lawrence) da Brindisi - Capuchin priest and Doctor of the Church - was born Giulio Cesare Russo on July 22, 1559 to Guglielmo Russo and Elisabetta Masella. They put on long faces, etc. He labored at the constitution of the League of German Catholic Princes which would oppose the Union of Protestant Princes and, as the result of an official mission to the court of Madrid, Lawrence obtained the adhesion of Phillip III to this plan, as well as financial aid for it. It was on the occasion of the foundation of the convent of Prague (1601) that St. Lorenzo was named chaplain of the Imperial army, then about to march against the Turks. It has been set to music by such famous composers as Josquin A good preacher was "the man of the day," and his sermons were events to chronicle for the town and the whole nation. Hymn in English and Latin, Music, History, Interpretation, c/o University of Dayton, Stabat Mater: The Hymn in Latin, In the practice of the religious virtues St. Lorenzo equals the greatest saints. In 1959 Pope Saint John XXIII proclaimed Saint Lawrence of Brindisi an Apostolic Doctor of the Church for his creative yet orthodox writings on the Virgin Mary . Edition. [2] He was elected again in 1605, but refused the office. However, Paul V sent him on another diplomatic mission to Madrid and Lisbon (1618-1619) in defense of the city of Naples against the tyranny of the Vice-Roy Pietro Teller Giron di Osuna. Such unusual talents, added to a rare virtue, fitted Brother Lorenzo for the most diverse missions. Though not exactly a household name, this Capuchin priest has been declared a Doctor of the Church and his doctrinal, apologetic, and devotional writings have earned for him the title of the Apostolic Doctor. Most of his sermons are written in Italian, the other works being in Latin. The victory of Lepanto (1571) had only temporarily checked the Moslem invasion, and several battles were still necessary to secure the final triumph of the Christian armies. the Immaculate, The Militia of the Immaculate and the After serving as nuncio to Spain, he retired to a monastery in 1618. The three volumes of controversies have notes in Greek and Hebrew. benedicat Virgo Maria. With this translation of his Mariale, we introduce the English reading public to the writings of Saint Lawrence of Brindisi. He was recalled as a special envoy to the King of Spain regarding the actions of the Viceroy of Naples in 1619, and after finishing his mission, died on his 60th birthday in Lisbon. His saintliness, combined with his great kindliness, completed the preparing of the way for the grace of conversion. Lawrence was ordained a priest at the age of 23.[2]. . From there he progressed to the University of Padua becoming fluent in numerous languages. When he was twelve years of age his father died. Lawrence had encounters with Leiser in Prague, and his Lutheranismi hypotyposis is the result of all these disputes. "Sheltered under the name of Jesus Christ, I do not fear these pains, for they do not last long.". recited in the 13th century. Remembering the sufferings of Jesus Christ, he could not refrain from tears. Means of communication were scarce in those days, and so the pulpit was the microphone of the crowds. Indeed, it become clear that the foundation point and principle of his Marian scholarship is the divine . The barbarism and severity of pagan Rome had begun to reach a fever pitch. He was sent to Tyrol by Paul V to bring about peace; then to Madrid as papal representative. He gives some of his own opinions, critically weighs those of others, even some venerable in age and authority. His superiors, as well as popes and kings, were quick to recognize his prudence and other virtues and gifts, that his services for the benefit of others were employed from 1590 till his death in 1619. APA citation. Eleven of these 15 contain his sermons, each of which relies chiefly on scriptural quotations to illustrate his teaching. They responded to his appeal, and moreover the Duke of Mercur, Governor of Brittany, joined the imperial army, of which he received the effective command. He made corrections in margins and text. Mary Kolbe, the Fool of the Immaculate and Martyr of Auschwitz. Saint Benedict The Moor - He was the son of former slaves, taken from Africa. N 1050 PERCHE I BUONI SOFFRONO? Lawrence of Brindisi was born in Italy in 1559. ], EWTN | 5817 Old Leeds Rd. The first volume of the Saint's Opera Omnia is dedicated entirely to the Sermons he wrote for Marian Feasts. Lawrence was gifted with remarkable talent, intelligence and fluency in eight languages. The translation is colloquial rather than scholarly literal to make it agreeable to the modern ear. It always the chaplain who was at the head of the army. Various attempts to publish his works 1 Anthony Brennan, St. Lawrence of Brindisi, (London: Washbourne . . 1. Mater Dolorosa, c/o the Columbia Encyclopedia, History He was a disciple of Pope Sixtus II (251-258). Diem Illum Laetissumum Please note that the ascription of the Mirror of the The emperor, determined to prevent a further advance, sent Lorenzo of Brindisi as deputy to the German princes to obtain their cooperation. Quote/s of the Day - 21 July - The Memorial of St Lawrence of Brindisi OFM Cap (1559-1619) Doctor of the Church "God is love and all his operations proceed from love. His progress in his studies was very rapid, and, when barely six, he had already given indication of his future success in oratory. Nos cum prole pia benedicat Virgo Maria Mary, with Her loving Son, bless us each and every one Saint Lawrence of Brindisi - Theologian, member of the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin, Saint and Doctor of the Church Saint Lawrence was born on July 22nd, 1559, in the town of Brindisi (which was then part of the Kingdom of Naples). At the chapter of 1602 he was elected vicar-general. Printable Catholic Saints PDFs. by He was also chosen as arbitrator in the dispute which arose between the princes, and it was in fulfillment of this role that, at the request of the emperor, he restored harmony between the Duke of Mantua and a German nobleman. And it is perhaps the greatest marvel of his life to have combined with duties so manifold anunusually intense inner life.
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